594 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY/Site and Ground Investigation geotechnical design brief to assist the construction team on site and, at the end of the project, to prepare a feedback (maintenance) report on any issues from which lessons can be learned and on which future scheme development can be based The various stages of quality control and reporting that help to ensure maintenance of the standards and accuracy of the output from a site and ground investigation are described in the publications of the Site Investigation Steering Group Concluding Remarks Site investigation involves establishing facts concerning the ground; the excitement of discovery is tempered by the professional responsibility for much of the financial risk and safety associated with each engineering project The combination of appropriately experienced investigators working to agreed team procedures within a sensible permitted time frame with limited competition is likely to produce the best solutions to engineering challenges presented by particular ground conditions This article has touched on some of the important issues relevant to site investigation but is in no way intended to be a complete guide A good investigator will set out to define the investigation but to expect the unexpected See Also Analytical Methods: Gravity Engineering Geology: Codes of Practice; Site Classification; Ground Water Monitoring at Solid Waste Landfills Geotechnical Engineering Seismic Surveys Soil Mechanics Further Reading BS 5930 (1999) Code of Practice for Site Investigation London: BSI BS 1377 (1990) British Standard Methods of Test for Soils for Civil Engineering Parts 1–9 London: BSI BS 10 (2000) Contaminated Land London: BSI BS 10175 (2001) Investigation of potentially contaminated sites London: BSI Clayton CRI, Matthews MC, and Simons NE (1995) Site Investigation: A Handbook for Engineers, 2nd edn Oxford: Blackwell Scientific HD22/02 Managing geotechnical risk DMRB London: Highways Agency Institution of Civil Engineers (2003) Conditions of Contract Ground Investigation, 2nd edn London: Thomas Telford McCann DM, Eddlestone M, Fenning PJ, and Reeves GM (eds.) (1997) Modern Geophysics in Engineering Special Publication 12 London: Geological Society Perry J (1996) Sources of Information for Site Investigations in Britain TRL Report 192 Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory Simons N, Menzies B, and Matthews M (2002) A Short Course in Geotechnical Site Investigation London: Thomas Telford Site Investigation Steering Group (1993) Part 1: Without Site Investigation Ground is Hazard London: Thomas Telford Site Investigation Steering Group (1993) Part Planning, Procurement and Quality Management London: Thomas Telford Site Investigation Steering Group (1993) Part Specification for Ground Investigation London: Thomas Telford Site Investigation Steering Group (1993) Part Guidelines for Safe Investigation by Drilling of Landfills and Contaminated Land London: Thomas Telford