790 INDEX terranes (continued) Pontides of Turkey 5:458f, 5:458-459 Precambrian 4:352 Precordillera terrane 4:83f regional metamorphism 4:407 Rheic Ocean 5:455 Rheno-Hercynian Terrane 5:455 Rodinia 5:455 Russia 4:456, 4:459f, 4:462f, 4:466f Siberia 3:130f, 5:455, 5:457/, 5:458f Siberian craton 4:462f, 4:463 Sibumasu 5:455, 5:457f South China terrane 3.-130/J 5:455, 5:457f, 5:458f South-east Asia amalgamation 1:176, 1:17 6t background information 1:171 constraining factors 1:176t, 1:179t distribution 1:170f, l:172f, 1:173f, l:182f, 1:184f origins 1:171, 1:17 6t rifting and separation events Carboniferous-Permian events 1:175 constraining factors 1:176?, l:179t general discussion 1:174 Jurassic 1:175 sutures 1:1791 timeframes l:175f Triassic 1:175 sutures 5:455 Tamassee Superterrane 4:74f Timanide Orogeny 2:5'Of Tornquist Ocean 5:455 terranovaite 3:593? terroir 3:85, 3:88-89 Tersk domain 2:44f Tertiary Alps 2:128f, 2:131f, 2:132f, 2:134f amphibians 2:523 Andes Mountains 1:125 Antarctica 1:134f apparent polar wander paths 4:153 f Arabia 1:142 f9 l:144f bedded cherts 5:54, 5:54f birds (Aves) 2:499 Krazi[l:317f, 1:318 f Caledonian Orogeny 2:64f cephalopods 2:389f chronostratigraphy 4:25f clay occurrences 1:364 corals 2:325 f Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-T) boundary 3:372-385 amphibians 2:523 background information 3:372 causal mechanisms bolide impact craters 3:383 large igneous provinces (LIPs) 3:383 multiple events 3:384 sea-level changes 3:383 impact structures 3:277, 3:283 Maastrichtian-Danian boundary ammonite biostratigraphy 3:375f background information 3:372 biostratigraphy 3:374 Elvis taxa 3:377-378 fossil record 3:374, 3:377f historical background 3:373 Lazarus taxa 3:377-378 marine invertebrates 3:379, 3:380f marine microfossils 3:378, 3:378f marine vertebrates 3:380, 3:381f pseudoextinction 3:375-376, 3:376f Signor-Lipps effect 3:376-377, 3:377f stratigraphy 3:373f terrestrial invertebrates 3:381, 3:381f terrestrial vertebrates 3:381, 3:382f vegetation 3:382, 3:383f Neornithes 2:499-500, 2:501f stratigraphy 3:373f tektites 5:453 echinoderms 2:336f, 2:337 echinoids 2:354 Gondwana 1:170f, 1:172f insects 2:296-298, 2:299f interior rifts 1:327 Lyell, Charles 5:466 New Zealand 4: l,4:3f North Africa 1:14^, 1:15f North American chronostratigraphy 4:25f, 4:26f orogenic events l:238f ostracods (Ostracoda) 3:461 predation 4:145-146 reef environments 4:568-569 sea-level changes 4:25f Siberian craton 4:462 terranes l:170f, 1:172f Tsondab Sandstone, Namib Desert 4:546-547 Tertiary Igneous Province, United Kingdom 3:237?, 3:239 tertschite (Ca4B1oO19-20H2O) 3:513t teruggite (Ca4MgAs2B12O28-20H2O) 3:513t Terzaghi effective stress equation 5:185 Terzaghi, Karl 1:445, 3:192, 3:39, 5:185 Tessier, Alexandre 2:179 testate amoeba 4:360 testudines 2:481 Tetagouche-Exploits back-arc basin 4:82f, 4:87, 4:87f Teterev Belt 2:46 Tethys 5:287t, 5:288 Tethys Ocean Ceno-Tethys Ocean 1:17Of, 1:170-171, 1:175 f Cretaceous 3:362, 3:362f Eocene 3:295 geographic location 4:226f Jurassic 2:108 Mediterranean region 2:135-146, 3:648 Meso-Tethys Ocean 1.-170/J 1:170-171, 1:175 f Palaeo-Tethys Ocean 1:148, 1:170f, 1:170-171, I:175f9 1:182, l:182f, 1:184f Pangaea 4:225 Permian 4:215 terranes 5:455 Triassic 2:108, 3:344, 3:346 tethytheres 2:540 Tetraceratops 2:489 Tetragraptus (Etagraptus) approximatus 4:177-178 tetrahedrite 3:58St tetrapodomorphs 2:469, 2:4 70^ tetrapods amniotes background information 2:479 Carboniferous 2:468, 2:473f, 4:211-212 eureptiles captorhinids 2:481, 2:481f protorothyridids 2:481 parareptiles millerettids 2:479-481 pareiasaurs 2:479-481 procolophonids 2:479-481, 2:480f testudines 2:481 phylogenetic relationships 2:480f synapsids 2:477-478, 2:479 background information 2:479 biodiversity 1:263, l:263f, l:264f Carboniferous adelogyrinids 2:475 ai'stopods 2:473/", 2:475 amniotes 2:468, 2:473f, 4:211-212 anthracosaurs cladogram 2:473f physical appearance 2:474-475 skeletal material 2:474/", 2:476f baphetids cladogram 2:473f physical appearance 2:474-475 skeletal material 2:474f branchiosaurs 2:475, 2:476f colosteids 2:473f, 2:474f, 2:475 dissorophoids 2:475, 2:476f lepospondyls 2:475 localities 2:472, 2:475-476 microsaurs 2:473f, 2:476f, 4:211 nectrideans 2:473f, 2:475 physical appearance 2:472 Romer's Gap 2:472, 2:473f temnospondyls cladogram 2:473f physical appearance 2:474-475 radiation patterns 4:211 China 1:352 Cretaceous 1:273 f Devonian limbs 2:471f lobe-finned vertebrates 2:469, 2:470f physical appearance 2:469 skeletal material 2:47If tetrapodomorphs 2:469, 2:470f evolutionary process 2:165, 2:165f Jurassic 1:273 f non-amniotes 2:468-478 adelogyrinids 2:475 ai'stopods 2:473 f, 2:475