INDEX 655 fervanite (Fe4(V4O16)-5H2O) 3:S89t fianelite (Mn2(V2O7)-2H2O) 3:589t field mapping 3:43-52 air photographs 1:372, 3:44 base maps 3:44 basic principles 3:43 boundaries 3:50, 3:51f clothing 3:47 equipment compass/clinometer 3:45, 3:46f field notebook 3:45 hammer and chisel 3:45 hand lens 3:45 map board/case 3:45 mapping pens 3:45 miscellaneous equipment 3:46 pencils 3:45 exposures 3:50, 3:51f field evidence 3:49f, 3:50 field notebook 3:49f, 3:50 formation contacts 3:49/", 3:50 Geographical Information Systems (GIS) 4:423, 4:424f health/safety issues 3:47 mapping process 3:49f, 3:50, 3:51 f mapping symbols 3:47, 3:48f preliminary reconnaissance methods 3:47 superficial deposits 3:52 Field, Richard 3:194 Fiji background information 4:109 Beqa4:118 economic geology 4:120 geology 4:118, 4:119f Kadavu Islands 4:120 Koro Islands 4:118 Lau Islands 4:120 plate tectonics 4:120 Quaternary volcanism 4:120 VanuaLevu 4:118, 4:119f Vatulele 4:118 VitiLevu4:118,4:n9/ r Yanuca(Serua)4:118 Yasawa Group 4:118 fill See made ground fineness 3:118 fingerite (Cu 11 O (VO ) ) 3:589t Finland 3:363t fire Carboniferous 4:209 earthquake effects 5:325 fireclay 1:366-367 Firth of Forth 2:472 fischesserite3:119^ fish 2:462-468 acanthodians 2:465 actinopterygians 2:466 agnathan diversity 2:462 anaspids 2:458, 2:462 biodiversity 2:464f black shales 4:497, 4:498f Carboniferous 4:212 coelacanth fishes 1:274f9 1:276-278, 2:466 Cretaceous 3:368, 3:368f, 3:369f Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-T) boundary 3:381, 3:382f Devonian 4:192f, 4:194, 4:196 early development 2:462 Eocene 5:469 freshwater fish 3:368, 3:369f Haikouichthys 1:351 jawed fish 2:462 jawless fish 2:454-461 agnathan diversity 2:456, 2:462 background information 2:454 conodonts 2:455, 3:440-448 evolutionary relationships 2:460f galeaspids 2:458 origins 2:455 ostracoderms Astraspis 2:457f, 2:457 Cephalaspis utabensis 2:458f decline 2:459 Devonian 2:457, 2:458f Eriptychius 2:457 Errivaspis waynensis 2:458f heterostracans 2:458f, 2:458-459 Ordovician 2:457 reconstruction drawings 2:456f Silurian 2:457 thelodonts 2:459, 2:459f Thelodus macintosh! 2:459f Tuberculaspis elyensis 2:458f phylogenetic relationships 2:455, 2:459 Jurassic 3:358 lungfishes 2:467 Onychodontiformes 2:467 osteichthyans 2:466 osteolepiforms 2:467 osteostracans 2:462 Palaeocene 5:463 placoderms 2:465, 2:465f radiation patterns 2:463f sarcopterygians 2:467 seamounts 4:482 sharks 2:229f, 2:463 Silurian 4:191 teeth 2:462 teleosteans 2:466/", 2:466-467 tetrapodomorphs 2:469 thelodonts 2:459, 2:459f, 2:462 Triassic 3:350 Fish Canyon Tuff, Colorado, United States 3:246 fission track analysis 1:43-53 age determination 1:47, I:48f9 1:49f alpha (a)-particle processes 1:50, l:52f annealing process 1:45, l:46f, 5:127 applications 1:52 background information 1:43 etch pits 1:46, 1:47'f fission track length 1:48, 1:48f fossil partial annealing zone 1:45, l:46f glossary information 1:53 Helium Partial Retention Zone 1:50-51 spontaneous fission 1:44, l:44f, 1:45f thermal history modelling 1:49, L-50/", l:51f track-in-cleavage l:45f, 1:49 track-in-track 1:45f, 1:49 uranium-thorium/helium (U-Th)/He dating method 1:50, l:52f, 5:127 Fitton, William Henry 3:62 fjords 4:670, 4:672f Flandrian stage 5:496f flaser bedding 4:599 fleas 2:297f, 2:300t Flemish Cap 4:100, 4:101f flies (Diptera) 2:297/", 2:300t, 5:469 flint conchoidal fractures 4:384f mining techniques l:434f nodules 4:385 occurrence 5:35-36 terminology 3:570 Flinton Group 3:155-156, 3:158f, 3:160 floatstone 3:527f, 4:562-563, 4:564f flood basalts See basalts floods catastrophic floods 4:628-641 causal mechanisms controlling factors 4:629f dam failures 4:629, 4:631f drainage area 4:63 Of general discussion 4:628 glacial melt 4:628-629, 4:631f jokulhlaups See jokulhlaups landslides 4:632 rainfall 4:628 snow dams 4:629 snowfall 4:628 spatial/temporal factors 4:63Of vegetative debris 4:629 characteristics 4:633, 4:634f definition 4:628 geomorphic impacts backwater effects 4:637f channel morphology 4:636f erosion surfaces 4:635f flood deposits 4:639f, 4:640f general discussion 4:637 ice blocks 4:638f kettle holes 4:63^ rip-up clast deposits 4:636f stream power 4:635f hydrographs 4:634f impact controls 4:640 sediment transport 4:633 turbulent flows 4:634f Flood Geology Biblical geology 1:254, 3:170, 3:176 creationism 1:382, 1:384 Cuvier, Georges 2:182 geomythology 3:98-99 Smith, William 2:224-225 hazard analysis frequency 1:517t mortality rates 1:517t quantification analysis 1:516