xxxvi CONTENTS Clays and Their Diagenesis / M Huggett Deep Ocean Pelagic Oozes R G Rothwell Dolomites H G Machel Evaporites A C Kendall Ironstones W E G Taylor Limestones R C Selley Oceanic Manganese Deposits D S Cronan Phosphates W D Birch Rudaceous Rocks / McManus Sandstones, Diagenesis and Porosity Evolution SEISMIC SURVEYS Gluyas M Bacon SEQUENCE STRATIGRAPHY SHIELDS J 62 70 79 94 97 107 113 120 129 141 151 P P Mclaughlin, Jr K C Condie 159 173 SHOCK METAMORPHISM P S DeCarli 179 SOIL MECHANICS / Atkinson 184 SOILS Modern Palaeosols 194 203 G J Retallack G J Retallack SOLAR SYSTEM The Sun K R Lang Asteroids, Comets and Space Dust P Moore Meteorites G J H McCall Mercury G J H McCall Venus M A Ivanov, J W Head Moon P Moore Mars M R Walter, A J Brown, S A Chamberlain Jupiter, Saturn and Their Moons P Moore Neptune, Pluto and Uranus P Moore 209 220 228 238 244 264 272 282 289 SPACE DUST See SOLAR SYSTEM: Asteroids, Comets and Space Dust STRATIGRAPHICAL PRINCIPLES N MacLeod 295 STROMATOLITES See BIOSEDIMENTS AND BIOFILMS SUN See SOLAR SYSTEM: The Sun T TECTONICS Convergent Plate Boundaries and Accretionary Wedges G K Westbrook Earthquakes G J H McCall Faults S Stein Folding / W Cosgrove Fractures (Including Joints) / W Cosgrove Hydrothermal Activity R P Lowell, P A Rona Mid-Ocean Ridges K C Macdonald Hydrothermal Vents At Mid-Ocean Ridges R M Haymon Propagating Rifts and Microplates At Mid-Ocean Ridges R N Hey Seismic Structure At Mid-Ocean Ridges S M Carbotte Mountain Building and Orogeny M Searle Neotectonics I Stewart 307 318 330 339 352 362 372 388 396 405 417 425