INDEX 787 tectonic processes (continued) Eocene 2:117 geological map legend 2:123f Jurassic 2:108 Miocene 2:120 Oligocene 2:120, 2:121f Palaeocene 2:113, 2:117, 2:119f palaeogeography 2:107f Permian 2:105, 2:106f Triassic 2:105 sedimentary basin formation 2:102 western Europe 2:80, 2:82f, 2:83f, 2:102 wrench tectonics 2:102 folding 5:339-351 anticlines 4:298f, 5:339f bending 5:347 box folds 5:345f buckle folds anisotropic materials 5:340/1, 5:344, 5:345f buckle folds 5:340 general discussion 5:340 interface buckling 5.-340/", S:341f multilayer buckling 5:340f, 5:343, 5:343f, 5:344f, 5:346f single layer buckling 5:340f, 5:341, 5:342f, 5:343f wavelength/thickness ratio 5:341, 5:343f definitions 5:339 experimental research 5:344, 5:346f forced folds 5:347, 5:347f geometric features 5:339, 5:339ft 5:340f mechanisms 5:346f plains-type folding 4:32, 4:34?, 4:35f salt domes 5:348, 5:349f strike-slip faulting 5:347-348, 5:348f three-dimensional (3D) geometry 5:346, 5:347f fossils 4:157 fractures 5:352-361 definition 5:352 fluid pressure effects fluid-induced failure 5:356, 5:357f fracture organisation 5:356, 5:357f folding 5:349, S:350f9 5:351f formation mechanisms conjugate normal faults 5:354f general discussion 5:352 Griffith criterion of tensile fracture 5:354-355, 5:355f Mohr stress circle 5:353/", 5:3 55f, 5:356, 5:357f Navier-Coulomb criterion 5:353 occurrence criteria 5:356 shear fractures 5:352,5:352f, 5:354f tensile fractures 5:354, 5:355f fracture analysis 5:360 fracture networks 5:359, 5:359f fracture sets 5:358 plate margin faults 5:360 plumose structures 5:361 scale 5:360, 5:360f shear fractures 5:352, 5:352f, 5:354f strain analysis 5:334, 5:335/", 5:336/", 5:349, 5:351f strength envelopes 5:335-336, 5:336f stress analysis 5:334, 5:334f, 5:335/", 5:338f surface features 5:361, 5:361f tensile fractures formation mechanisms 5:354, 5:355f fracture organisation 5:356, 5:357/", 5:358f general discussion 5:352 polygonal arrays 5:358f schematic diagram 5:352f Gondwana Brazil 1:3 06^ Cambrian 3:132f mantle convection 3:142, 3:143f Phanerozoic 1:222, 1:306, l:308f western Europe 2:82f, 2:83f granitic rocks 3:237? Grenville orogeny anorthosite-mangerite-charnockitegranite (AMCG) suite 3:160 Appalachian inliers 3:163 Elzevirian Orogeny 3:157, 3:158f, 3:159f Flinton Group 3.-159/", 3:160 general discussion 3:157 Grenville Province 3:158f Ottawa Orogeny 3:159f, 3:162, 3:163 f plate tectonics 3:164, 3:164f post-Elzevirian activity 3:160 post-Ottawan activity 3:159f9 3:162 igneous processes 3:209 Japan 3:300, 3:302f Kyrgyzstan 1:167 lakes 4:558, 4:560f Laurasia 4:214-215 Laurentia 2:73, 2:73f, 3:155, 4:9, 4:19, 4:89 Mediterranean region 2:135-146 central Mediterranean 2:144 eastern Mediterranean 2:144 lithospheric thinning 2:136 lithospheric westward drift 2:136, 2:141f palaeogeodynamics 2:138f, 2:139f, 2:140f palaeogeographic reconstruction 2:135-136 subduction zones 2:136, 2:137f, 2:141f, 2:142f tectonic evolution 2:141 f western Mediterranean 2:136, 2:140f9 2:141f mid-ocean ridges 5:372-387 axial neovolcanic zone 5:380 background information 5:372 eruption frequency 5:383 faulting processes abyssal hills 5:384-386, 5:386f fault scarps 5:3 84f, 5:385f general discussion 5:383 transform faults 5:375, 5:386f volcanic growth faults 5:386f, 5:386-387 global distribution 3:206f granitic rocks 3:237? hydrothermal vents 5:373-375, 5:388-395 background information 5:388 biological habitats 5:388f, 5:392 black smokers See black smokers chimneys 5:390, 5:390f, 5:393f deposit size 5:390 edifices 5:390, 5:390f fast-spreading ridges 5:389 formation locations 5:389 fossil record 5:394 growth stages 5:391, 5:392/", 5:393f intermediate-spreading ridges 5:389 mineralogy 5:391, 5:394? morphology 5:390, 5:393f origin of life 4:128 slow-spreading ridges 5:389 structure 5:390, 5:390f white smokers 5:365, 5:390/j 5:390-391 mantle plumes (hotspots) 3:339 propagating rifts 5:396-405 bookshelf faulting 5:396, 5:398, 5:404f causal mechanisms 5:398, 5:399f continental propagators 5:402f9 5:403, 5:403f, 5:404f evolution 5:396 implications 5:403 microplates 5:398, 5:400f, 5:401f oceanic propagators 5:396, 5:396/", 5:397f pseudofaults 5:396, 5:396f ridge segmentation axial depth profiles 5:375f, 5:378f, 5:379f axial variations 5:381f characteristics 5:3 76? discontinuities 5:3 74f, 5:375, 5:376?, 5:377f, 5:378f, 5:379f general discussion 5:375 geochemical correlations 5:380f hierarchies 5:3 77f magma supply 5:375, 5:378f9 5:382f mantle upwelling 5:376-377,5:378f transform faults 5:375, 5:386f, 5:396f seawater chemistry 5:96 seismic structure 5:405-417 axial magma chamber 5:407, 5:413f background information 5:405 crustal thickness 5:415f, 5:416f magma chamber depths 5:415 magma-lens reflections 5:416f Mohorovicic discontinuity 5:412, 5:413f seismic layer 2A 5:406