230 SOLAR SYSTEM/Meteorites Figure The Cocklebiddy, Western Australia, ordinary chon drite (fall 1949, 0.794 kg), cut face showing specks of light grey nickel iron disseminated in a dark grey silicate matrix: the rounded chondrules are microscopic and thus not visible (from McCall 1973) Figure Cut and etched surface of the Mount Edith iron, West ern Australia (find 1913, 160 kg, III AB) showing the Widmanstat ten pattern and dark troilite (sulphide) nodules Figure View in a microscope thin section across a chondrule (2 mm diameter) showing elongated olivine crystals and dark glass, within the rounded chondrule, which is set in an aggregate of olivine, pyroxene, and feldspar grains, opaque nickel iron, sulphide and products of secondary weathering (Mulga South ordinary chondrite, Western Australia (from McCall 1973)) Figure Cut surface of the Brenham, Kansas, pallasite stony iron (find 1962, 22 and kg), showing nickel iron (light grey) and olivine (dark) (from McCall 1973) believed to be relics of a very early accretionary stage in the formation of the asteroidal parent bodies (the chondrules may be wholly obliterated by recrystallization); and (ii) Achondrites, without chondrules, having textures resembling those of terrestrial igneous rocks (Figure 12) The classification used worldwide, as at 2003, is shown in Table 1a and 1b and the statistics of meteorite falls and finds in Table Meteorites within Meteorites Many meteorites are brecciated, probably mainly due to shock processes through collision with other meteorites in space, but some also carry other meteorite types as fragments within them Chondrites may occur as fragments within dissimilar host chondrites Even more spectacular are shocked eucrite achondrite bodies within the Mount Padbury stony iron (mesosiderite) and enstatite and carbonaceous and ordinary chondrite bodies within the Bencubbin stony iron meteorite, both found in Western Australia