MICROFOSSILS/Palynology 467 Figure Relative percentage pollen diagrams (selected taxa) of four successive Pleistocene temperate stages (interglacials) from the Velay region of France The correlation to marine isotope stages (MIS) and tentative ages of the deposits are shown The behaviour of some of the individual taxa (coloured curves) during each temperate stage and the unique succession of pollen assemblages are apparent Possible local pollen assemblage biozones (pab) are indicated; these can be subdivided as necessary to produce more detailed descriptions of assemblages The regional disappearance of taxa e.g., Pterocarya, after the Middle Pleistocene (MIS 11), and Fagus, by the last interglacial (MIS 5e) is also apparent After De Beaulieu JL and Reille M (1995) Pollen records from the Velay craters: A review and correlation of the Holsteinian Interglacial with isotopic stage 11 Mededelingen van de Geologische Dienst 52: 59 70