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Encyclopedia of geology, five volume set, volume 1 5 (encyclopedia of geology series) ( PDFDrive ) 3318

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INDEX 781 Sun (continued) rotation 5:210 solar atmosphere 5:211, 5:211f solar luminosity l:197f, 1:197-198 solar flares 5:212, 5:218-219 solar wind basic properties 5:212 heliosphere 5:214 interplanetary magnetic field 5:213, 5:214f magnetosphere 5:217, 5:218f origins 5:213 parameters 5:213t Sun-Earth connection auroras 5:218, 5:219f distances 5:209 geomagnetic fluctuations 5:218 geomagnetic storms 5:217 glaciation 5:215 global warming 5:215 magnetosphere 5:217, 5:217f, 5:218f solar constant 5:215, 5:216f solar radiation 5:214, 5:219 space weather 5:218 terrestrial atmosphere 5:215, 5:217f, 5:219 X-ray image 5:21 If Sunda Islands 2:238 Sundarban Delta 3:296 Sunda Trench 5:430t, 5:43 Of supercontinents Antarctica 1:132 crustal aggregation 4:14f glaciation 4:14f Gondwana 4:14f, 5:177-178 Laurentia 4:14f, 5:177-178 Nuna4:14/;4:16 Pangaea 3:346, 3:346f, 4:14f, 5:177, 5:178f Permian 4:214 Rodinia 3:164/i 4:371 Sclavia4:14/; 4:16, 4:17 Superia 4:14f Triassic 3:346, 3:346f Vaalbara4:14/" Vendian 4:371 supercratons 4:14f, 4:16, 4:17 Superia 4:14f Superior craton 4:llf, 4:12, 4:13f, 4:16, 4:17f, 4:19f superplumes 3:338, 4:14f, 4:460-461 surface processes aeolian systems 4:612-627 anoxic environments 4:495-501 Cretaceous 3:363, 3:370-371 crinoids 2:349 dysaerobic assemblages 4:497, 4:498f early Earth 1:201 euxinic environments 4:495-496 formation processes 4:499 identification process biofacies 4:497, 4:499f black shales 4:496-497 fossils 4:497, 4:498f general discussion 4:495 pyrite framboids 4:495-496, 4:497f Jurassic 3:355 lakes 4:550-551 modern environments 4:495 oceanic anoxic events 4:497 oxygen-minimum zones (OMZ) 4:495, 4:496f sapropels 4:500-501 silled basins 4:495, 4:496f Silurian 4:193 superanoxic event 4:499 upwelling zones 4:495, 4:496f carbon cycle 1:335-345 anthropogenic carbon dioxide sources 1:343, 1:343f, I:344f9 1:345f basic principles 1:335, l:336f Cambrian 1:204-206 Carboniferous 1:204-206 geological evolution 1:340, 1:341 f, l:342f glacial/interglacial periods 1:341, l:342f, 1:343 f long-term carbon cycle l:336f, 1:338, 1:338 f,l:339f Ordovician 1:204-206 Phanerozoic atmosphere 1:204, 1:205f, 1:206, l:206f short-term carbon cycle 1:335, l:336f, 1:337 f deep-ocean pelagic deposits 5:70-78 biogenic sedimentation rates 5:77 calcite compensation depth (CCD) 5:73, 5:73f composition 5:70 deep water processes 4:648 distribution controls 5:73, 5:73f geographic distribution 4:642f, 4:643f, 5:71f historical research 5:70 lysocline 5:73, 5:73f sediment types calcareous oozes 4:642f, 4:648, 5:70, 5:71f, 5:74, 5:74f, 5:75t continental margin sediments 4:642f diatomaceous oozes 4:648, 5:54, 5:54f ferromanganese oxide crusts 4:648, 5:76,5:77^,5:119 general discussion 5:73 glacial deposits 4:642f mud 4:642f nomenclature 4:645, 4:645/~, 4:646t pelagic carbonate oozes 5:44, 5:45f, 5:47f red clays 4:642/i 5:70, 5:71f9 5:72f, 5:74f, 5:75t, 5:76 siliceous oozes 4:642/", 5:53, 5:55f, 5:71f, 5:74f, 5:75, 5:75t silicoflagellates 5:75 sources 4:642f, 5:72f deep water processes 4:641-649 channel systems 4:648 continental slopes 4:642/~, 4:646 deep continental margins 4:648 deep-ocean pelagic deposits 4:648 oozes 4:648 Quaternary sediment accumulations 4:641-642, 4:642f seafloor morphology 4:641, 4:642f sediment drifts 4:648 sediment nomenclature 4:645, 4:645/", 4:646t sediment sources 4:642, 4:642f submarine canyons 4:646 transport processes atmospheric circulation 4:644 biota 4:645 gravity-driven processes 4:644 ocean currents 4:643 submarine landslides 4:644-645 turbidity currents 4:644 volcanism 4:642-643, 4:644, 4:645 wind blown sediment 4:644 deltas 4:528-539 abandonment 4:531, 4:533f, 4:534f Atchafalaya River delta 4:531, 4:532f background information 4:528 classification 4:529f controlling factors 4:528 deformation processes collapse depressions 4:534f, 4:535, 4:535f growth faults 4:534f, 4:535, 4:536f hangingwall anticlines 4:535 linear gullies 4:534f, 4:535, 4:535f mud diapirs 4:534f, 4:535, 4:537f mudflows 4:534f, 4:535, 4:535f, 4:5 37f rotational slides 4:534/", 4:535, 4:535f shale ridges 4:534/r, 4:535 syn-sedimentary deformation 4:532, 4:534f distributaries 4:531 f economic aspects 4:536f, 4:537, 4:53 8f formation processes 4:528 importance 4:528 levees 4:534f life cycle 4:531, 4:532f, 4:533f lobe complexes 4:532f, 4:533f Mississippi River 4:528f, 4:530f, 4:532f petroleum traps 4:537 plume formation dynamics 4:529-530, 4:530f, 4:531f, 5:20f, 5:21f river mouth processes 4:529, 4:53Of sedimentary growth faults 4:608, 4:609f sediment suspension processes 4:593-594 sequence stratigraphy 5:161f shelf-edge deltas 4:534f, 4:537 submerged delta plain 4:534f Sundarban Delta 3:296 tidal sand-banks 5:21f transgressive barrier islands 4:534f transgressive beaches 4:533f Wax River delta 4:531, 4:532f

Ngày đăng: 26/10/2022, 11:08