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Encyclopedia of geology, five volume set, volume 1 5 (encyclopedia of geology series) ( PDFDrive ) 3139

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602 INDEX atolls 4:481, 4:564 attapulgite See palygorskite Atterberg Limits 1:528, 5:186, 5:187t aubrites 5:23^ Auburn Arch, Australia 1:247f augelite 5:125-126 augen, definition of 3:390t augen mylonite 3:388t augite3:22Jf, 3:242, 3:567 Augustasaurus 2:506 Aulechinus 2:352-353, 2:353f Aulunian stage 4:202f Aurelucian stage 4:183 f auroras 5:218, 5:219f aurostibite 3:119t austenite 3:508f Australasian tektites 5:445t, 5:445f, 5:446 Australia Archaean 1:208, 1:209 f Bega Batholith, Australia 3:243f bolide impact craters 3:363t Cambrian 4:164, 4:167f Carboniferous 3:139 Carboniferous glaciation 4:208f cratons Curnamona Craton 1:217-218 Gawler Craton l:209f, l:210f, 1:215, 1:239 f Kimberley Craton l:210f, 1:212, 1:239 f Lucas Craton 1:210f, 1:213 North Australia Craton 1:208, 1:209f, 1:211, l:211f, 3:128, 3:132f Pilbara craton banded iron formations (BIFs) 5:39 geological map 1:239f microorganisms 1:280 f origin of life 4:123 origins 1:429 orogenic events 1:208, 1:21 Of Precambrian outcrops 1:209f South Australian Craton 1:208, I:209f9 l:211f, 1:215 West Australian Craton 1:208, 1:209 f, l:210f Yilgarn craton 1:208, I:209f9 I:210f9 1:239f, 3:491-492, 5:39 fish 2:462 gemstones 3:7^, 3:12, 3:13 Global Standard Stratotype Sections and Points (GSSPs) 5:Sllf Gondwana 3:128 granitic rocks 3:237t mammals 5:484 meteorites 5:229f, 5:230f, 5:232f, 5:236 migmatites 3:238f Miocene I:230f9 1:236, 5:484 Neoproterozoic 1:220, 1:225, 1:225 f, 5:511f opal 3:13 orogenic belts 3:164f palaeogeography 1:23 Of, 1:236 peraluminous granites 3:241f Phanerozoic 1:222-237 Bowen Basin I:239f9 1:241 f chronostratigraphy 1:223f glaciation I:226f9 1:234 morphology I:232f9 1:236 orogenic events Delamerian Orogeny l:239f, 1:240, l:240t, 1:241 f, 1:245, 1:248 f Lachlan Orogeny See Lachlan Orogeny New England Orogeny 1:239 f, l:240t, 1:241 f, 1:242, l:249f, 1:250, 4:202f Ross Orogeny 1:135, l:238f, 1:245, 1:248 f Thomson Orogeny I:240t9 1:241 f, 1:242 palaeogeography Cambrian, early 1:225, 1:225f Cambrian, early-middle 1:225f, 1:226 Cambrian, late 1:225f, 1:227 Carboniferous 1:226 f9 1:234 Cenomanian 1:229>/", 1:236 Devonian, early l:226f, 1:230 Devonian, middle-late l:226f, 1:230 Eocene I:230f9 1:236 Jurassic, early-middle 1:229 f, 1:235 Jurassic, late 1:229 f, 1:235 Miocene l:230f, 1:236 Neocomian-Aptian 1:229 f, 1:235 Neoproterozoic 1:225, 1:225 f Ordovician 1:225 f, 1:227 Permian, early 1:227f, 1:234 Permian, late 1:227f, 1:234 Permo-Carboniferous l:227f, 1:234 Pleistocene l:230f, 1:236 Silurian l:226f, 1:229 Triassic, early 1:228f, 1:235 Triassic, early-middle 1:228 f, 1:235 Triassic, late 1:228f9 1:235 Triassic, middle I:228f9 1:235 plate velocities 1:233 f, 1:237 stratitectonic regimes I:224f9 l:233t Sydney Basin l:239f, 1:241 f Tasman Orogenic Belt 1:223f, 1:224f, 1:225-226 tectonic processes 1:231 f, 1:236 phosphorites 5:126 Proterozoic 1:208-222 Adelaide Rift Complex 1:215f, 1:220 Arunta Inlier 1:214, 1:239f background information 1:208 basin formation 1:208, 1:211, 1:215f, 1:220 Birrindudu Basin 1:219 Calvert Superbasin l:212f, 1:215 Centralian Superbasin 1:215f, 1:220 Georgetown Inlier 1:215 Granites-Tanami Complex l:210f, 1:211 Hamersley Basin 1:208-209, 1:209f, l:210f, 1:221 Isa Superbasin 1:212 f9 1:215 Kimberley Basin I:209f9 I:211f9 1:219, 1:221, 1:239 f Laurentia 1:213 f, 1:21 Sf Leichhardt Superbasin 1:21 If, 1:214-215 McArthur Basin l:209f, 1:214-215, 1:239 f Mesoproterozoic 1:218 mineral deposits 1:218f, 1:221 Mount Isa Inlier 1:214, 1:239f Neoproterozoic 1:220 orogenic events Albany Fraser Orogeny 1:209f, 1:210-211, l:213f, l:214f, 1:219, l:239f, 4:352 Barramundi Orogeny 1:211, l:211f, 4:352 Capricorn Orogeny l:209f, 1:209-210, l:211f, l:212f, 1:239 f Chewings Orogeny l:212f, 1:215 Edmundian Orogeny 1:214f Ewamin Orogeny l:213f, 1:218-219 Glenburgh Orogeny 1:209, 1:21 Of Hall's Creek Orogeny 1:21 If, 1:212-213, l:239f Hooper Orogeny I:211f9 1:212 Isan Orogeny 1:213f, 1:218-219 Kararan Orogeny l:212f, 1:213 f9 1:217-218 Kimban Orogeny 1:209 f, 1:211 f, I:212f9 1:215-216 King Leopold Orogeny 1:211, l:215f,l:239f,3:132f Olarian Orogeny 1:213 f, 1:218-219 Ophthalmian Orogeny 1:208-209, l:210f Paterson Orogeny 1:215f, 1:220, 1:239 f Petermann Orogeny 1:215f, 3:132f Pine Creek Orogeny 1:209f, l:210f, a Pinjarra Orogeny 1:209f, 1:210-211 reactivation 1:214 f, 1:219-220 Sleafordian Orogeny l:210f, 4:352 Strangways Orogeny 1:211 f, 1:214-215 Tanami Orogeny l:211f, 1:213 Thomson Orogeny 1:239f Trans-Hudson Orogeny 1:211, 4:16, 4.-J9/", 4:352 Wickham Orogeny 1:21 Sf Yapungku Orogeny 1:211 f, 1:214-215 Palaeoproterozoic 1:208 Pine Creek Inlier 1:239f Tasman Orogenic Belt 1:223 f, I:224f9 1:225-226 Tennant Creek Inlier l:211f, 1:214 Victoria River Basin 1:209 f, l:214f, l:215f, 1:219 Ross Orogeny 1:248f sharks 2:463-465 Silurian 3:129, 4:191-192 South Australia 4:164 Tasmanides 1:208, 1:209 f9 1:239 f

Ngày đăng: 26/10/2022, 11:08