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Encyclopedia of geology, five volume set, volume 1 5 (encyclopedia of geology series) ( PDFDrive ) 3314

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INDEX 777 South-east Asia (continued] Pliocene 1:193 f ProterozoicL-174/; 1:177 Triassic l:181t, 1:184, l:184f glacial-marine sediments 1:172-174, l:178f, 1:182 granitoid belts l:187f large igneous provinces (LIPs) 3:363t palaeoclimate 1:183 f, 1:18 f Precambrian 1:183 f, 1:185 f Rodiniai:174/" stratigraphic correlation l:183f, l:185f tectonic evolution 1:177 Southeast Indian Ridge 5:411-412 Southern Appalachians 4:72-81 Alleghanian orogeny 4:79 Carolina terrane 4:74/", 4:75f, 4:78 Cat Square terrane 4:74f, 4:75f, 4:77 Gondwana-Laurentia collision 4:79, 4:80f igneous processes 4:73, 4:75f magnetostratigraphy 4:76f Neoacadian orogeny 4:78 occurrence 4:72 origins 4:72 passive margin development 4:76, 4:76f physiographic provinces 4:73f Pine Mountain terrane 4:77 sedimentary depositional processes 4:73 superterranes 4:74/, 4:75f Suwannee terrane 4:72, 4:80 Taconic orogeny 4:77 tectonic evolution 4:74f, 4:75f Tugaloo terrane 4:78 volcanism 4:73, 4:75f Southern Granulite Terrain 3:287f, 3:288, 3:288f southern lights See auroras Southern Uplands terrane 2:60 Southland Syncline, New Zealand 3:597 South Mountain Batholith, Canada 3:240-241 South Mountain, United States 4:72 South Pacific Superswell 3:338, 3:338/~, 3:339f South Portuguese Zone 2:80-82 South Sandwich Trench 5:430;, 5:43 Of South Solomons Trench 5:430;, 5:43 Of South Victoria Land 3:129, 3:137f Southwest Indian Ocean Ridge 5:3 63 f, 5:384 Southwest US-East Antarctic (SWEAT) connection hypothesis 1:132, l:133f, 1:135 Soviet Union See Russia sovite 3:220-221 spacecraft missions Apollo 11 5:266; Apollo 12 5:266; Apollo 14 5:266; Apollo 15 5:266; Apollo 16 5:266; Apollo 17 5:266;, 5:270f Clementine 5:266;, 5:271 Gallileo 5:2 70f Jupiter 5:283; Luna 5:266-267 Luna 5:266-267 lunar missions 5:266 Lunar Prospector 5:265 Lunokhods 5:266-267 Magellan orbiter 5:244-245, 5:260-261, 5:262-263 Mercury 5:238, 5:242 Orbiter 5:266; Orbiter 5:266; Pioneer Venus 5:244 Prospector 5:266;, 5:271 Ranger 5:266; Saturn 5:286, 5:286; Surveyor 5:266; Surveyor 5:266; Venera 15/16 orbiters 5:244-245 space dust 5:227 Spain 2:75, 2:463-465, 3:82, 3:352;, 4:167f,5:506f spas 3:113f, 3:116, 3:116f Spathian stage 3:345, 3:345f spatter 4:357;, 4:390; spectral reflectance 4:431 speleothems 4:686, 4:686f spencerite 5:121-122 spessartine (Mn3Al2Si3Oi2) 3:561 Sphaerocongregus variabilis 4:360 sphalerite (Zn(Fe)S) carbonatites 3:221t crystal structure 3:575;, 3:576/", 3:577f hydrothermal ore deposits 3:630;, 3:630f, 5:394; iron sulphide content 3:584f occurrence 3:585; physical properties 3:577; sulphidation curves 3:582f Sphenacodon 2:488-489 Sphenacodontia 2:488 Sphenisciformes 2:507 Sphenodon 2:483 Sphenolitus 5:486-487 Sphenopsids 4.-206/", 4:209f Sphenosuchidae 2:485 Sphenozamites 3:359 spilite 3:388t spinel 1:196, 3:7;, 3:253-254, 3:256;, 3:257f, 3:397f spinifex textures 3:260, 3:261f, 3:264f Spinoaequalis 2:482-483 spirillinana 3:45If spirillinata 3:45If spirillinids 3:45Of Spirula 2:394 Spitsbergen, Greenland 2:465, 3:344, 4:224 See also Svalbard spodosols 5:195, 5:296;, 5:196f spodumene 3:567 sponges See porifera (Porifera) Spongiophyton 2:441 spores 3:473 SPOT 4:434;, 4:435, 4:436 Spriggina 4:373-374 springtails 2:300; Squamata 2:483 Sri Lanka 3:7;, 3:8 stacks 4:579f Stanley Group, Ouachita Mountains 4:63, 4:66f stannite (Cu2FeSnS4) 3:575;, 3:577f, 3:630; Stanovoy Ridge 4:471, 4:472f star dunes 4:618-620, 4:619f, 4:620f starvation 5:328 Staterian rifting event 1:3 08t Statherian System 5:511f, 5:517f Staurikosaurus 2:492 staurolite 3:400f, 3:563, 4:411f9 4:412t Stavely Belt, Australia 1:247 Steen River, Canada 3:363; stegosaurs 2:493 stellerite 3:593; Steneosaurus 2:504 Stenian System 5:511f, 5:517f Steno, Nicholas (Niels Stensen) 2:226-233 anatomical studies 2:227 catastrophism 3:176 crystallography 2:226, 2:230, 2:231f early career 2:226 fossil origins 2:228, 2:229f palaeontology 2:226 portrait 2:227f recognitive induction 2:226, 2:228 reconstruction principle 2:226, 2:229, 2:231f scientific philosophy 2:232 stratigraphic correlation 5:503-504 stratigraphic principles 2:226, 2:229, 3:169,3:73,5:295 superposition 2:226 unconformities 5:542 Stenopterygius 2.-503/", 2:503-504 Steno's Law 2:226, 2:229, 2:230 Stenzel, Henryk 5:443 Stephanian stage 2:95-96, 2:96/", 4:202f, 4:208f, 4:209f steranes 4:357 Stereocidaris 2:35If Stereognathus 3:359f stereom 2:334, 2:335f Stereospondyli 2:517, 2:517f, 2:518f stibarsen 3:553;, 3:554 stibnite (Sb2S3) 3:575;, 3:630; Stichocorys peregrina 5:487 stick insects 2:297/", 2:300; Stigmaria ficoides 5:206, 5:206f Stikine terrane 4:40f, 4:42, 4:46 stilbite 3:593; Stille, Hans 3:192 Still well, Frank 3:192 stilpnomelane 3:399f stishovite 3:282, 3:569-570, 3:570f, 5:183;, 5:447-448 St Lawrence River 5:19t stoiberite (Cu O (VO )2) 3:588-589, 3:589;

Ngày đăng: 26/10/2022, 11:04