776 INDEX soils (continued) one-dimensional compression 5:188 packing states 5:188, 5:189f plasticity 5:185, 5:187, 5:187f principle of effective stress 5:185 shear modulus 5:191, 5:191f soil classification Atterberg Limits 1:528, 5:186, 5:187t drainage 5:186 general discussion 5:186 grain characteristics 5:186, 5:186f Hazen permeability formula 5:186 Liquidity Index 5:187, 5:187f loading rates 5:186 relative density 5:187, 5:187f soil strength critical state strength 5:190, 5:190f peak strength 5:191, 5:191f shearing behaviour 5:189, 5:189f, 5:190f undrained strength 5:190, 5:190f state boundary surfaces 5:192, 5:193f state parameters 5:189f stiffness 5:191, 5:191f stress/strain analyses 5:184, 5:185f swelling 5:187, 5:188f Terzaghi effective stress equation 5:185 topsoil loss 1:519 urban geology 5:558 vadose zone 3:23-24, 4:684f vertisols 1:557-558 weathering processes 5:588, 5:589 wine geology 3:87, 3:87'f See also clays; geohazards Sojourn Ridge 4:476-477 solar flares 5:212, 5:218-219 solar radiation 4:414-420 biogeochemical cycles 1:433f geosphere 1:431, 1:432 f, 1:433 f glaciation 5:215 global warming 5:215 orbital variations 1:415, 1:416f passive sensors 4:431 terrestrial atmosphere 5:215, 5:217f, 5:219 vineyard temperature 3:85, 3:86f wavelength types 5:214 solar system atmospheric evolution 1:197 Earth 1:197, 1:421-429 nuclide binding energy 1:198, l:198f solar luminosity l:197f, 1:197-198 See also meteorites; planets Solenoporella 2:430f solfataras 3:107 solids 3:554, 3:629* Solimoes basin l:316f, l:317f, 1:318f Solnhofen Limestone Archaeopteryx 2:497 arthropods (Arthropoda) 2:274-275 Cnidarians 2:323 dendrites 4:3 83 f general description 3:310t Liesegang banding 4:3 83 f Pterodactylus 2:509, 2:509f stratiform deposits 3:311 Walther, Johannes 2:244 solodization 5:200 Solomon Islands background information 4:109 economic geology 4:114 geology 4:113, 4:114, 4:114f obsidian 3:274-275 solonization 5:200, 5:201 f solution flutes (rillenkarren) 4:680, 4:680f, 4:682f solution pans (kamenitzas) 4:680, 4:682f Solway Line 2:58-59 Somali Basin 1:138-139, 3:147 sonar 4:414, 4:415f Songxites 4:185 Sonoma orogeny 4:52 Sonoran Basin and Range Province, Mexico 4:48 Soom Shale, South Africa 2:274-275, 3:310t, 3:313, 3:441, 3:441f Sorachi Plateau 3:315 f, 3:316t Sorby, Henry 3:184, 3:62 Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone 3:651, 3:6S2f Sossusvlei region, Namibia 4:541 f Soudleyan substage 4:183f Soufriere Hills volcano, Montserrat 4:387t, 4:389f, 4:394f, 5:575t South Africa Bushveld Igneous Complex, South Africa 3:491-492 dispersive soils 1:559f, 1:560f gemstones 3:7t, 3:12 Kaapvaal craton, South Africa 1:132-135, l:280f, 1:429, 5:39 Karoo Basin, South Africa l:319f, 3:142-147, 3:146f, 3:347, 4:219f9 4:220, 4:224 Palabora complex, South Africa 3:492, 3:492f Pliocene 5:491 £ sharks 2:463-465 soils 1:558 Soom Shale, South Africa 2:274-275, 3:310f, 3:313, 3:441, 3:441 f tektites 5:454 Triassic 3:350 Vredefort impact structure, South Africa 3:283 Witwatersrand, South Africa 3:121, 3:121f, 3:123-124, 3:490-491, 3:494, 3:494f, 3:585-586 Southalpine nappes 2:125, 2:126f, 2:134f South America See Andes Mountains; Argentina; Brazil; Gondwana South American Land Mammal Age 5:479f South Atlantic Margins 3:315f, 3:316t South Atlantic thermotectonic event l:308t South Australia 4:164 South Australian Craton 1:208, l:209f, l:211f, 1:215 South Carolina, United States 4:73f South China terrane 3:130f, 3:133f, 4:215, 4:219f9 5:455, 5:457f, 5:458f South Dakota, United States 4:21, 4:33-34, 4:35-36, 5:203f, 5:475, 5:476-477 South-east Asia 1:169-196 accretion terranes amalgamation 1:176, 1:17 6t constraining factors l:176t, l:179t distribution l:170f, l:172f, I:182f9 1:184f origins 1:171, 1:17 6t rifting and separation events Carboniferous-Permian events 1:175 constraining factors 1:176t, 1:1791 general discussion 1:174 Jurassic 1:175 sutures I ill 91 timeframes 1:175 f Triassic 1:175 alluvial diamond deposits 1:178f background information accretion terranes 1:17'Of\ 1:171, 1:172 f, 1:173 f general discussion 1:169 Gondwana-Cathaysia Divide 1:169, l:170f plate tectonics 1:169, l:170f, l:171f, l:172f strike-slip fault systems 1:169, l:170f Wallace's Line 1:169, l:171f, l:172f bmchiopodsl:173f,l:177f energy resources coal and lignite deposits 1:195 epigenetic deposits 1:195 hydrocarbon basins 1:190, 1:194f iron ore deposits 1:195 magmatic arcs 1:190 mineral deposits 1:190, 1:195f non-volcanic epithermal deposits 1:190 oil and gas 1:187, l:194f ophiolites 1:190 tin deposits 1:194 tungsten deposits 1:190 faunal assemblages 1:171, 1:178-182, 1:183/, 1:185'f floral provinces 1:178-182, l:186f gemstones 1:196 geological evolution Cenozoic 1:187 Cretaceous l:181t, 1:187, l:188f Eocene 1:18It, 1:188f9 l:190f Jurassic 1:1 Sit, 1:186, l:188f Miocene 1:18It, l:192f, 1:193f Oligocene l:181t, 1:191 f, 1:193 f Phanerozoic Cambrian 1:178 Carboniferous 1:178, l:181t, l:182f, 1:184f Devonian 1:178, l:181t, 1:182f general discussion 1:177 Ordovician 1:178 Permian l:181t, 1:182, 1:184f Silurian 1:178