INDEX 771 shorelines and shelves (continued) atolls 4:481, 4:564 background information 4:562 bafflestone 3:527f, 4:562-563, 4:S63f barrier reefs 4:564 bindstone 3:527f, 4:562-563, 4:563f Cambrian 4:565 carbonate sedimentation 1:343/, 3:523f, 3:529 Carboniferous 4:565-566 Cretaceous 3:365, 3:367-368, 3:371, 4:567f, 4:567-568 Devonian 4:194, 4:198, 4:565 examples 4:502f extinction events 4:565-566, 4:566-567 floatstone 3:527f, 4:562-563, 4:564f Florida-Bahamas shelf region 4:506f, 4:507 framestone 3:527/", 4:562/", 4:562-563, 4:568f, 4:569f fringing reefs 4:564, 4:568f Jurassic 3:356, 4:567, 4:567f lagoons 4:564 Miocene 4:568f, 4:569f modern reef formation 4:562 morphology 4:562, 4:568f patch reefs 3:526f, 4:562f, 4:564 Permian 4:565-566, 4:566f rudists 4:567f, 4:567-568 rudstone 3:527f, 4:562-563, 4:564f Silurian 4:565 stromatolites 3:524f, 4:565 Tertiary 4:568-569 Triassic 3:350, 4:566f, 4:566-567 Walther, Johannes 2:244 zonation 4:562 sediment accumulation 4:502 seismic profile 4:503f sequence stratigraphy 5:166 unattached rimmed carbonate shelf 4:507, 4:508f caves 4:579f cliffs 4:579f coastal deposition systems 4:57If definition 4:570 geoarchaeology 3:15f geomorphological classification 4:573 high-relief transgressive shorelines 4:578, 4:579f liquefaction l:528t low-relief transgressive coastlines 4:577, 4:577f, 4:578f offshore transition zone 4:572/", 4:574, 4:575-577, 4:576f parasequences 5:161f petroleum reservoirs 4:23 5t, 4:23 6f progradational wave-dominated shorelines backshore 4:575 barred coastline 4:574f, 4:575 berms 4:574f, 4:575 bioturbated mudstones 4:574f, 4:575, 4:576f, 4:578f cheniers 4:577 facies models 4:574f foreshore 4:574f, 4:575, 4:576f general discussion 4:574 hummocky cross-stratification 4:574f, 4:575, 4:576f, 4:578f, 4:599f muddy coastlines 4:577 non-barred coastline 4:574f, 4:575, 4:576f ridge and runnel systems 4:574f, 4:575, 4:576f swaley cross-stratification 4:574f, 4:575, 4:576f, 4:599f vertical succession 4:574f, 4:575 raised beaches 4:579f stacks 4:579f stumps 4:579f wave processes bedforms 4:572-573, 4:573f coastal deposition systems 4:57If fair weather wave base 4:570-571, 4:574f general discussion 4:570 longshore drift 4:572, 4:573f seasonal beach profiles 4:572f storm wave base 4:570-571 wave dimensions 4:572f zircon occurrences 3:602, 3:604f Shore scleroscope 1:567, 1:567f shoshonite 3:237t Shropshire, United Kingdom 4:176, 4:177-178,4:185,4:188-189 Shuiyousphaeridium macroreticulatum 4:356f, 4:358 Siberia Cambrian l:173f, 4:164, 4:17Of Carboniferous l:182f, l:184f, 4:204 Devonian 1:182f Eocene 5:467f, 5:468 flora 3:349f Oligocene 5:476 Ordovician l:173f, 4:181-182 orogenic belts 3:164f palaeoclimate 4:138 palaeogeographic reconstruction 2:77f, 4:353f, 4:354 Permian l:184f, 4:215-216 Permian-Triassic boundary 4:219f Popigai impact structure 5:467f, 5:468 Silurian 1:173f, 4:192 tektites 5:451 terranes 3:130f, 5:455, 5:457f, 5:4S8f Triassic l:184f, 3:344, 3:349f trilobites (Trilobita) 2:291, 2:293 Siberian craton 3:649f, 4:167% 4:456, 4:457% 4:462f, 4:463, 4:463f Siberian Traps Devonian 4:198-199 end Permian extinctions 2:319, 3:322, 4:222 flood basalts 3:315f, 3:316t, 3:328 Permian 4:215f, 4:227 Permian-Triassic boundary 4:220, 4:222 Triassic 3:348 Sibumasu terrane boundaries 5:457f Carboniferous-Permian events 1:175 diamonds l:178f general discussion 5:455 glacial-marine sediments 1:172-174 Gondwana 3:133f, 3:144f Silurian 4:192-193 stratigraphic correlation 1:185f Siccar Point, Scotland 3:175, 3:175f, 5:542 Siderian System 5:511 f, 5:517f siderite (FeCO ) carbonatites 3:221t chemical diagenesis 1:394 classification 5:26t diagenetic processes 5:145f grain analysis 5:31 hydrothermal ore deposits 3:631-632 ironstones 5:99 limestones 5:108, 5:108t occurrence 5:108t Sideropskehli2:519f Sierra Leone Rise 3:315f, 3:316t Sierra Madre Occidental 4:48 Sierra Nevada Batholith, United States 3:237*, 4:50-52, 4:53, 4:55f Sierra Nevada Range 4:48, 5:481, 5:488 Sierra Pampeanas belt 1:130, 1:158, 3:129, 3:137f Signor-Lipps effect 3:376-377, 3:377f Sijes mining district, Argentina See ore bodies, borates Sikhot-Alin meteorite fall 5:22 8f Sikhote-Alin meteorite fall 5:22 S/", 5:23 It, 5:233-234 Sikhote-Alin Mountains 4:456, 4:458f, 4:470, 4:470f Silbury hill, England 1:535f, 1:5 37t, 1:537f silcrete 5:588, 5:61 Silesia 4:202f Silesian division 4:201 silicate minerals 3:561-567 aluminosilicates 3:562, 3:562f amphiboles 3:503-506 chemical variations 3:505f crystal structure 3:503, 3:504f element substitution 3:503-504 hornblende 3:505, 3:505f radiometric dating 3:504 chlorite cation exchange capacity 1:3 60t cementation 5:143 characteristics 3:564 chemical variations 5:69t claystones 5:30 crystal structure 3:564f deep-ocean pelagic deposits 5:76 depth effects 5:63f diagenetic processes 5:65, 5:65f, 5:69 formation processes 1:363, 1:363f glauconite 3:542 hydrothermal ore deposits 3:631-632 iron/magnesium (Fe/Mg) ratio 3:565f layer type 1:361t, 1:362