INDEX 723 Oceanus Procellalrum 5:267? Ocoee Supergroup, Appalachians 4:73 Octobrachia 2:394, 2:395f odinite 1:360, 1:361?, 1:364, 3:542 Oedaleops 2:485 Offacoluskingi3:314f offretite 3:593? offshore transition zone 4:572f, 4:574, 4:575-577, 4:576f Ohio Range 3:129, 3:137f Ohio, United States 4:211 Oi event (Oligocene) 5:473 oil 4:112 analytical techniques asphaltene separation 4:250 gas chromatography 4:250, 4:253f gas chromatography-mass spectrometry 4:252, 4:254f liquid chromatography 4:250 Angel with the Flaming Sword (Genesis) 1:253 biomarkers 4:250, 4:2Slf bulk properties API gravity 4:252, 4:255f distillation fractions 4:256, 4:257f gas/oil ratio 4:255 metal content 4:257f, 4:257 nitrogen content 4:256, 4:256f sulphur content 4:256, 4:256f viscosity 4:256 wax content 4:255, 4:256f chemical composition aromatic compounds 4:250, 4:252f, 4:253f asphaltenes 4:250 average composition 4:248, 4:249f nitrogen compounds 4:253f oxygen compounds 4:253f polar fractions 4:250 saturated compounds 4:248, 4:249f sulphur compounds 4:253f condensate 4:248, 4:252-255 crude oil classification 4:252, 4:254f, 4:255? economic deposits 1:437 environmental geochemistry 2:23 exploration geophysics 3:190-192, 3:191f fossils 4:159 generation parameters 4:2 S4?, 4:285f ground subsidence 2:11 maturation parameters 4:280t molecular maturity indicators 4:250, 4:252f oil cracking 4:292? petroleum reserves 4:331-339 creaming curves 4:331-332, 4:333f definitions 4:331 deltaic sediments 4:536f, 4:537, 4:53 8f depletion models 4:337 discovery rates 4:337, 4:338f economic forecasts 4:337 energy consumption levels 4:337f European sedimentary basins 2:124 fossils 4:159 general discussion 4:331 Hubbert peak 4:336f limestones 5:112 Papua New Guinea 4:113 peak oil forecasts 4:338f, 4:339f production data 4:33 6f recoverable reserve predictions general discussion 4:332 global reserves 4:334f oil field recovery distributions 4:334f oil production forecasts 4:335f oil recovery estimates 4:333f United Kingdom oil field reserves 4:335f resource distributions 4:332f Russia 4:472/i 4:473 South-east Asia 1:187, l:194f supply and demand debates 4:334, 4:33 6f value approximations 4:332f See also petroleum geology ojuelaite 3:508f Oklahoma, United States 2:477-478, 4:21, 4:61-71 Olarian Orogeny 1:213 f, 1:218-219 Old Faithful geyser, Yellowstone, Wyoming, United States 3:107f Oldham, Richard 3:194f, 3:194-195 Oldoinyo Lengai 3:220?, 3:220-221, 3:224f, 3:225, 3:230f Old Red Sandstone Agassiz, Louis 2:175 alluvial fans S:138f background information 4:194 braided river systems 5:138, 5:139f Caledonian Orogeny 2:59, 2:66, 2:68-70 conglomerates 5:139f Devonian 4:194 geological controversies 3:180 Hutton, James 2:203 Murchison, Roderick 2:211, 2:212, 2:214 photograph 3:175f Rhynie chert 5:59-60 Silurian 4:185, 4:193 Smith, William 2:225 unconformities 5:542 whisky production 3:84 Olenekian stage chronostratigraphy 3:345f extinction events 4:219f, 4:221 f, 4:224 Global Standard Stratotype Sections and Points (GSSPs) 3:345, S:S06f International Stratigraphic Chart (ICS) 5:517 f sea-level variations 3:347f vegetation 3:349f Oligocene 5:472-478 Alps 2:134f amphibians Andrias scheuchzeri 2:524-525, 2:525f assemblages 2:523-524 Latonia gigantea 2:524 Palaeobatrachus grandipes 2:524, 2:524f angiosperms 2:420f Antarctica 1:139-140 Baltimore Canyon trough 4:104 f biostratigraphical correlations 5:472 biota algae 5:476 Coccolithophoridae 5:476 diatoms 5:476 foraminifera 5:473, 5:476 general discussion 5:475 plankton 5:476 boundaries 5:472-473 carbon dioxide (CO2) 5:475 Chattian stage 1.-322/", 1:325f, 5:473, 5:473f,5:506f,5:517f chronostratigraphy 4:25f clay occurrences 1:364 East European Craton 4:461 Europe 2:120, 2:121f extinction events 5:473, 5:476 geomagnetic polarity time-scale 3:332f glaciation 5:473-474, 5:475, 5:476-477 Global Standard Stratotype Sections and Points (GSSPs) 5:506f global warming/cooling 5:473 Gondwana 1:1S1?, 1:191 f, 1:193f historical background 5:472, 5:473f impact structures 5:473 insects 2:299 f, 2:300? International Stratigraphic Chart (ICS) 5:517 f Lagerstatten 3:310? mountain-building processes 5:477 New Zealand 4:1, 4:3f North Africa 1:17 North American chronostratigraphy 4:25^ oxygen isotope ratios 5:473, 5:474f palaeoclimate 5:473 palaeogeography 5:476 palaeosols 5:475 Papua New Guinea 4:110 plate tectonics 5:474 precipitation 5:475 Rupelian stage l:322f, 1:325f, 5:473, 5:473f,5:506f,5:517f sea-level 5:473, 5:474f shorelines and shelves 4:507 Solomon Islands 4:113 South-east Asia 1:1S1?, l:191f, 1:193f southern Cordillera 4:58 Stratigraphic subdivisions 5:473 temperature variations 5:475 time-scale scaling concepts 5:516f vegetation 5:475 volcanism 5:474, 5:477 oligoclase 3:403, 3:534f, 3:535 olivenite 3:508f, 3:508? Oliver, Jack 3:205 olivine 3:557-561 carbonatites 3:221? chemical composition 3:557