Index NOTE Bold page number locators refer to complete articles on the various topics covered by this encyclopedia Illustrations and tables are indicated by italic page numbers Text is located by page numbers in normal print Cross references, prefixed by see and see also, are also listed at the end of each article A a'a lava 3:325f, 3:326, 3:32 6£ 5:567-569, S:571f Aalenian stage 3:352t, 3:354f, 4:460-461 Atlantic Margin 4:104f Global Standard Stratotype Sections and Points (GSSPs) 5:506f International Stratigraphic Chart (ICS) 5:517f magnetostratigraphy 4:99f Aar uplift 2:134f Abathomphalus mayroensis 3:373 Abel, Othenio 2:235 Abereiddian stage 4:183 f abernathyite 3:508f Abitibi Belt, Canada 5:39 Absaroka sequence, North America 4:25, 4:26f, 4:27f9 4:28 absolute ages 1:77, 1:78, l:82t, 4:202f, 4:203 abyssal hills 5:384-386, 5:386f Acadian orogeny 4:72, 4:74f, 4:88, 4:90f, 4:91 Acanthodes 2:465 acanthodians 2:465 Acanthostega cladogram 2:47Of global distribution 2:472f limbs 2:471f physical appearance 2:467, 2:469 skeletal material 2:47If Acasta Gneisses, Canada 1:427-429, 4:10f, 4:13f,4:15f, 4:350 accreted terranes East European Craton 4:458f, 4:459f New Zealand 4:5f palaeoterranes 5:455 Russia 4:469f southern Cordillera 4:53 Uralide orogeny 2:88, 2:89f accretionary lapilli 4:387t, 4:390t accretionary wedges 5:307-317 Annieopsquotch accretionary tract 4:82f, 4:85, 4:87f, 4:89 controlling factors 5:31 It critical taper 5:309f decollement 5:309, 5:309f, 5:310f, 5:311f95:315f,5:316f95:315f,5:316f95:315f,5:316f East European Craton 4:459f fluid flow 5:312, 5:313f fluid pressure effects 5:307, 5:309f, 5:311f, 5:315, 5:316f formation processes 5:307, 5:308f, 5:309, 5:310f, S:311f methane hydrates 5:312, 5:314f New Zealand 4:5f obduction 5:315 oblique subduction 5:315, 5:316f occurrences 5:307 ocean trenches 5:430?, 5:431-432, 5:435f Ouachita Mountains 4:70-71 Russia 4:468, 4:469f sediment thickness 5:311, 5:312f seeps and vents 5:312 Siberian craton 4:462/", 4:463 stability 5:3 09f subcretion 5.-309/", 5:314 tectonic erosion background information 5:313 basement topography 5:314, 5:315f fluid pressure effects 5:315, 5:316f turbidites5:310f,5:311f Acer trilobatum 2:419f Acetabularia 2:433 achondrites 5:23It, 5:234f acid rain 1:255, 3:383 Aconcagua 1:127, 1:153, l:155f acritarchs 3:418-428 applications 3:427 biostratigraphy 3:425 Cambrian 4:169f classification 3:422, 3:423f clusters 3:420 colour changes 3:418-419, 3:419f early Neoproterozoic 4:358-359 extraction methods 3:473 late Neoproterozoic 4:360, 4:361f Mesoproterozoic 4:356/", 4:357 middle Neoproterozoic 4:360 morphology excystment openings 3:420, 3:422f flanges 3:419 f, 3:420 general discussion 3:419 microphotographs 3:421f processes 3:419f, 3:420, 3:422f wall types 3:420 occurrence 3:418 palaeoenvironmental distribution 3:426, 3:426f, 3:427f Palaeoproterozoic 4:357 palaeotemperatures 3:419, 3:427 palynology 3:418, 3:468, 3:469f preservation 3:419 reef environments 3:427f Silurian 3:426f, 4:191 Acropora palmata 4:506f, 4:507Acropora palmata 4:506f, 4:507 Actinoceras 2:391f, 2:392 Actinoceratids 2:391f, 2:392 actinolite 3:397,3:398 f, 3:401 f, 3:403,3:505 actinopterygians 2:466 active sensors 4:414 background information 4:414 lidar 4:414, 4:415f radar altimetry 4:415 applications earthquakes 4:418 ground motion measurements 4:417, 4:418f roughness mapping 4:416 structural/geomorphological mapping 4:416 subsidence 4:419 tectonic processes 4:418 volcanism 4:419, 4:419f Doppler radar 4:415 general discussion 4:414 imaging radars 4:415 operating geometries 4:415f radar amplitude images 4:415, 4:417f synthetic aperture radar systems 4:415t, 4:417, 4:418f sensing techniques 4:414 sonar 4:414, 4:415f active tectonics 5:425 Actonian substage 4:183 f adakites 1:119-120, l:125f, 1:157-158, 1:350 Adamanian faunachron 3:345f adamite 3:508t, 3:508f Adelaidean stage 1:242 Adelaide Rift Complex l:215f, 1:220, 1:245, 1:248 f adelite 3:508f adelogyrinids 2:475 adenine 2:161, 2:162f Adirondack Massif 3:155-156, 3:157f, 3:158f,3:159f,3:163f Adriatic Sea 2:125, 3:654, 3:655f, 3:656 adularia 3:535 Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) 4:616