768 INDEX sedimentary rocks (continued) Burgess Shale arthropods (Arthropoda) 2:274-275 bacteria 3:311-312 clay mineralisation 3:313 Cnidarians 2:324 conservation deposits 3:310 early chordates 2:455 general discussion 3:310t insects 2:296 obrution 3:310, 3:311 f Opabinia3:311f palaeosynecology 4:142-143, 4:146 classification 5:26?, 5:28 densities 5:32If geotechnical properties 1:548, 3:102t Posidonia Shale Formation, Germany 3:310?, 3:311, 4:384f Senzeilles Shale, Belgium 5:454 weathering 1:548 siderite (FeCO3) chemical diagenesis 1:394 classification 5:26? grain analysis 5:31 limestones 5:108, 5:108t occurrence 5:108t siliceous sediments 5:26?, 5:35 siltstone 5:26?, 5:28 site classification 2:3? stratification 4:454, 5:25 sulphide minerals 3:585-586 Vendian 4:376, 4:379f zeolites 3:596 zircon 3:602 sediment deposition processes 5:8-17 bedforms aeolian systems 4:599 antidunes 4:597 bars 4:597 compound bedforms 4:597 cross-bedding 4:595f, 4:596, 4:597/i 4:600 cross-lamination 4:594, 4:595f current-controlled bedforms 5:15,5:15f current ripples 4:594, 4:594f dunes 4:596, 4:596f heterolithic lamination 4:599, 4:599f hummocky cross-stratification 4:574f, 4:576f, 4:578f, 4:599f longitudinal ripples 5:15, 5:15f mud waves 5:15 occurrence criteria 4:595f parting lineation 4:598, 4:598f reactivation surfaces 4:597f ripple lamination 4:594 sand waves 4:596, 4:596/", 4:597f standing waves 4:597, 4:598f swaley cross-stratification 4:574f, 4:576f, 4:599f undulating lamination 4:599, 4:599f wave-current interactions 4:599 wave ripples 4:598, 4:598f, 4:599f controlling factors aggregation 5:9, 5:1 Of boundary layer turbulence 5:10, 5:llf flocculation factor 5:10f flow characteristics 5:10, 5:llf settling velocity 5:8, 5:9f critical suspension conditions 5:11, 5:12f currents 5:14 deposition rates 5:13, 5:14f erosion diagram 5:12f fractionation 5:14 general discussion 5:13 nepheloid layers 5:13, 5:14 pelagic flux 5:12 shear stress limitations 5:14 suspension transport criteria 5:11, 5:12f turbulent boundary layers 5:13 viscous sublayer 5:10-11, 5:1 If sediment drifts 4:518, 4:519f, 4:520f, 4:521f, 4:523f, 4:525f, 4:648 sedovite (U(MoO ) ) 3:552? Seeley, H 2:509 seiche 4:551f, 4:551-552 seif dunes 4:600 Seilacher, Adolf 3:307 seismites 4:32, 4:36f seismology 5:151-158 archaeoseismology 3:16 body waves 5:333, 5:333f earthquakes 5:318-330 active tectonics 5:425 Biblical geology 1:256 characteristics epicentre 5:318, 5:318f focus 5:318, 5:318f general discussion 5:318 generation process 1:500, l:500f magnitude measurements 5:318, 5:319f,5:320f Richter scale 5:319-320, 5:320? seismic waves 5:318-319, 5:32 O/", 5:332, 5:332f, 5:333f eighteenth century viewpoints 3:172 elastic-rebound model 5:33If engineering geology 1:456-463 focal mechanism 5:332-333, 5:334f geological research (1900-1962) 3:194 global distribution 4:341f, 5:321, 5:322f ground displacement 1:457, 5:33If hazard analysis accelerograms 1:502-504, l:504f, 1:505 f, 1:509 f bearing failure 1:531, l:531f British Isles 5:32 7f damage effects 1:500-501, 5:324f, 5:325f, 5:327f disease 5:328 environmental geology 2:31 European Macroseismic Scale 1:502? exposure 5:328 fire effects 5:325 Fourier spectral data 1:512f frequency 1:517t general discussion 5:321 Geographical Information Systems (CIS) 4:427 ground motion characterizations 1:504 ground motion prediction techniques 1:506 ground oscillation 1:530 hazard assessment techniques 1:510, 1:513f historic earthquakes 5:326? intensity scales 1:501, 1:502? isoseismal maps 1:502, 1:503f landslides 3:93/i 5:327 lateral spreading 1:530, l:530f liquefaction 1:33-34, 1:525-534, 1:5 56f, 3:94, 5:325, 5:328f looting 5:328 man-made earthquakes 5:329 mitigation methods 1:533, 5:328 modified Mercalli (MSK) intensity scale 5:322, 5:323? mortality rates 1:517?, l:518t quantification analysis 1:516 research programs 5:328 residual shear strength 1:531, l:531f seismic hazards 1:499, 1:510 settlement 1:530, l:531f shear anlysis 1:53 Of site response analysis 1:511 f starvation 5:328 tectonic earthquakes 5:322, 5:324f tsunamis 5:325 urban environments 5:322, 5:324f, 5:327f velocity profiles l:512f volcanic earthquakes 5:329 Japan 3:298, 3:300f North American continental interior 4:32 Oceania 4:110f radar techniques 4:418 rock densities 5:321f seismological records 5:320 Suess,Eduard 2:237, 2:237f surface traces 5:321f Tibetan Plateau 5:423-424 volcanism 5:575 engineering seismology 1:499-515 See also geophysical techniques basic principles 3:646f crustal structure 3:646 ground motion characterizations Arias intensity 1:505, 1:505f general discussion 1:504 Husid plot 1:505, 1:505f peak ground acceleration 1:504, 1:505 9f 1:507'f, l:508f, 1:509f response spectrum 1:505-506, l:506f, 1:507f, 1:51 Of, 1:514f shaking duration 1:504-505 single-degree-of-freedom oscillators 1:505-506, l:506f ground motion measurement techniques accelerograms 1:502-504, l:504f, 1:505 f, 1:509 f