NORTH AMERICA/Southern and Central Appalachians 75 Figure Tectonic map of the southern and central Appalachians GMW, Grandfather Mountain window; SMW, Sauratown Mountains window; TFD, Tallulah Falls Dome; Cart Terr., Cartoogechaye Terrane Colour key: ultramafic rocks are black; Alleghanian clastic wedge is orange (to north west); Acadian clastic wedge is light yellow (north eastern and south western parts of map); Middle Ordovician (Sevier, Blountian) clastic wedge is lavender; Upper Ordovician Silurian Martinsburg Tuscarora (type Taconian) clastic wedge is wine; Cambro Ordovician platform rocks are dark blue; rifted Laurentian margin Neoproterozoic to Cambrian clastic and volcanic rocks are tan; Murphy syncline is olive green with lavender in centre (imbedded in tan in Georgia and North Carolina); 1.1 Ga (Grenvillian) rocks are red; pre Grenvillian 1.8 Ga Mars Hill Terrane is brown orange (next to large red area in the Blue Ridge); Cowrock Terrane is light blue (in Georgia and North Carolina); Cartoogechaye Terrane is light orange (in Georgia and North Carolina); Dahlonega gold belt is burnt orange (Georgia and North Carolina); Hamburg Klippe is pink (north eastern part of map); high grade parts of Carolina Superterrane are dark green; low grade parts of Carolina Superterrane are light green; Neoproterozoic pluton is light grey (north west of GMW); Neoproterozoic to Early Cambrian plutons (Carolina Superterrane) are dark blue green; Ordovician plutons are dark purple; likely Ordovician and Silurian plutons are medium purple; Devonian plutons dark gray green; Carboniferous to Permian plutons are red orange; Late Triassic Jurassic sedimentary and volcanic rocks are brown Scale 1:2 500 000