146 GONDWANALAND AND GONDWANA Figure 15 Late Permian (255 250 Ma) palaeogeography: The pink vertical shading indicates the magmatic orogen of Gondwanides I, the red open circles anorogenic igneous complexes, the red square pattern the central Gamburtsev upland K, Karoo foreland basin; W, Waterford Formation; EN, Estrada Nova Formation; G, Galilee Basin; C, Cooper Basin; P, Perth Basin; Ca, Carnarvon Basin; BL, Beaver Lake Basin; M, Mahanadi Basin; P G, Pranhita Godavari Basin; Z, Zambezi Basin; PT, Panjal Traps, IND AUS RZ, India Australia Rift Zone Reproduced with permission from Veevers JJ (2004) Gondwanaland from 650 500 Ma assembly through 320 Ma merger in Pangaea to 185 100 Ma breakup: supercontinental tectonics via stratigraphy and radiometric dating Earth Science Reviews