318 BRAZIL Ribeira and Dom Feliciano belts Together, the north-east–south-west orientated Ribeira and Dom Feliciano belts occupy a strip approximately 200 km wide and 1600 km long along the south-east coast of Brazil The northern boundary with the Arac¸ uaı´ Orogen is artificially taken to be where the fabric elements bend slightly to become north-north-east– south-south-west The Ribeira Belt truncates the easternmost portion of the Tocantins orogenic system, represented by the southern Brası´lia Belt, and is overlain by the Parana´ -Basin strata to the south, where the Luis Alves basement block separates it from the Dom Feliciano Belt A Palaeoproterozoic basement with some Archaean inliers, Mesoproterozoic to Neoproterozoic metasedimentary units, Eocambrian foreland deposits, and Figure 13 Schematic geological sections of (A) Solimo˜es, (B) Parnaı´ ba, and (C) Parana´ sag basins Modified from the Brazilian Petroleum Agency (Ageˆncia Nacional Petroleo, ANP) home page at www.anp.gov.br