INDIAN SUBCONTINENT 291 Figure Geological map of the Aravalli Bundelkhand Craton (adapted from Soni et al., 1987; ß Geological Society of India, Bangalore and Roy and Jakhar, 2002; ß AB Roy, 2002) Table Generalised stratigraphic succession of Precambrian rocks in the Singhbhum Craton (adapted from Mahadevan, 1993 and Mukhopadhyay, 2001) Phanerozoic covers (soils and laterites and Gondwana formations) Dolerite dikes and sills Gabbro Anorthosite suites Kolhan Groupa (?) Dalma lavas, Dhanjori lavas with quartziteb (Simplipal lavas and quartzites) Singhbhum Group Pelitic and arenaceous metasediments with mafic sills Iron Ore Group Upper Shales with sandstones and volcanics Banded hematite jasper with iron ore Mafic tuffs and lavas Tuffs, felsic volcanics and tuffaceous shales Sandstone and conglomerate (local) Granitoids (3.0 2.6 Ga) Older (3.3 3.4 Ga) metamorphic tonalitic gneisses Older Pelitic schist, quartzite, para and Metamorphic ortho amphibolite Group Sialic basement of unknown age a Some authors consider the Kolhan Group as a component of the Archaean Iron Ore Group b Dhanjori Group is placed by some below the Singhbhum Group Table Precambrian tectonostratigraphic framework of the Aravalli cratonic block (adapted from Roy and Jakhar, 2002) Marwar Supergroup (cratonic sediments) Malani Group (volcanics, granites, sediments) Erinpura Granites Sirohi Group (metasediments) Intrusion of Gabbro diorites Synorogenic granites in the Delhi Fold Belts Delhi Supergroup (metasediments and metavolcanics) Granulite exhumation in Sandmata Complex Synorogenic granites (Darwal Granite) Aravalli Supergroup (metasediments and minor metavolcanics) Basement Gneiss (Mewar Gneiss Complex) and granites Youngest Proterozoic 780 680 Ma $850 Ma $1000 Ma $1450 Ma 1725 1625 Ma $1850 Ma $2500 $3300 Ma basins In contrast, the sedimentation both in the Pranhita-Godavari and Son-Mahanadi Valley basins possibly took place along linear fluvial basins of river systems draining southeast to northwest in the direction of the palaeoslope Gondwana sedimentation during the initial stage (primarily during the Talchir sedimentation) took place in eroded topographic depressions Based on