668 INDEX geochemical analysis (continued) inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy 1:72, l:72t isotope-dilution mass spectroscopy l:56t, 1:71 schematic diagram 1:7If technique description l:56t, l:72t thermal ionization mass spectroscopy l:72t miscellaneous techniques 1:56t, 1:76 soi\s3:618t spectroscopic techniques atomic absorption spectroscopy 1:56t, 1:64, 1:651, 1:66 f atomic emission spectroscopy 1:56t, 1:64,l:65t general discussion 1:63 inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy 1:5 6t, 1:64, 1:651, 1:67f infrared spectroscopy l:65t, 1:66 technique description 1:5 6t9 l:65t ultraviolet spectroscopy 1:5 6t, 1:66 thermal techniques evolved water analysis 1:56t, 1:73, l:74t fluid inclusion microthermometry 1:5 6t, 1:75 pyrolysis l:56t, 1:73, l:74t, l:75f thermogravimetry 1:5 6t, 1:73, 1:7 4t vegetation 3:618t water (H O) 3:618t X-ray techniques bremsstrahlung 1:57, 1:59 f electromagnetic spectrum 1:59f electron-shell emission 1:57, 1:59f, l:60f X-ray diffraction components 1:62 f diffraction output data l:63f, 1:64f diffraction process 1:62f forensic geology 2:263-265, 2:267f general discussion 1:61 glauconite identification 3:545 technique description 1:56t, 1:58t X-ray fluorescence general discussion 1:60 mineral analysis l:109t, 1:114 schematic diagram 1:61 f technique description 1:56t, 1:58t X-ray generation process I:59f9 1:109 X-ray spectrometry energy-dispersive technology 1:111, lilllf general discussion 1:110 wavelength-dispersive technology 1:110, l:110f X-ray theory 1:57 geochemical exploration 3:21-29 buried deposits 3:23, 3:26f diamond exploration 3:22, 3:23f, 3:24f elemental analysis 3:21 environmental geochemical mapping 3:28f regional geochemical surveys 3:27 sample analysis 3:26 sediment analysis 3:21, 3:25f sulphide minerals 3:21, 3:26f geochronology 1:77-91 absolute dating techniques age determination 1:77 astronomically calibrated time-scales applications 1:90, 1:90 f methodology 1:90 dendrochronology 1:8 8t, 1:91 historical background 1:78, l:82t radiometric dating applications 1:87 isotopic properties l:88t methodology 1:87 age determination absolute ages 1:77 astronomical calendars 1:77, l:78f, l:81t general discussion 1:77 geological time-scale 1:77, 1:81 f radiometric dating 1:77 relative ages 1:77 future directions 1:91 glossary information 1:91 historical background absolute ages 1:78, l:82t astronomically calibrated time-scales 1:82-83, l:83f geomagnetic polarity time-scale l:81f, l:S2-S3,l:83f magnetostratigraphy 1:82-83 relative ages 1:78 Jurassic 3:353, 3:354f relative dating techniques age determination 1:77 biostratigraphy applications 1:84, l:86f Jurassic 3:353 methodology 1:84 chemostratigraphy applications l:86f, 1:87 Jurassic 3:353 methodology 1:84 historical background 1:78 magnetostratigraphy apparent polar wander paths 1:85f^ 4:153, 4:153f applications 1:84, 1:86 f Jurassic 3:353 methodology 1:84 stable isotope studies 1:84, 1:86f See also stratigraphy geodurability classification chart 1:578f Geographical Information Systems (GIS) 4:420-431 applications earthquakes 4:427 environmental quality 4:424 exploration tools 4:424, 4:425f field mapping 4:423, 4:424f geohazards 4:424 landslides 4:426, 4:426f, 4:428t natural resources 4:424 volcanism 4:426 basic principles database design and quality 4:422 general discussion 4:421 georeferencing 4:422 spatial data representations 4:421, 4:422f visualisation process 4:422, 4:423f engineering geology 1:447, 1:476 future directions 4:430 historical background 4:420 Internet applications 4:429 software products 4:430, 4:430t spatial analysis tools general discussion 4:427 individual layers 4:427 multicriteria evaluation 4:427, 4:428t multiple layers 4:427, 4:428f uncertainty analysis 4:427, 4:429f geohazards 1:515-524 anthropogenic hazards classification 1:518 ground subsidence 1:519f, l:520f groundwater 1:519 sea-level changes 1:519 soil loss 1:519 urbanization l:522f world population growth l:521f background information 1:515 definitions 1:516 disaster equation l:516f engineering geomorphology 1:474-481 floods See floods gas hydrates 4:266 Geographical Information Systems (GIS) 4:424 hazard mapping 1:467, 1:519, l:522f, 1:523 f landslides 4:687-692 ancient landslides 4:690f, 4:691 angle of repose 4:688, 4:692 Atlantic Margin 4:94 f, 4:94-95 catastrophic floods 4:632 classification 4:688, 4:689f creep 3:93, 4:691, 4:691 f debris avalanches 4:690-691, 5:573, 5:576t, 5:576f debris flows 3:93, 4:689, 4:690f earthflows 4:690 earthquakes 3:93f economic losses 4:688, 4:688f engineering geomorphology l:476f, 1:476-478, 1:477f Geographical Information Systems (GIS) 4:426, 4:426f, 4:428t hazard analysis earthquakes 5:327 frequency 1:517t hazard mapping 1:520-522, 1:523f mortality rates 1:5111, l:518t, 4:688 quantification analysis 1:516 lahars 4:690, 5:572, 5:573, 5:574f, 5:576?, 5:576f, 5:577f lidar topography 3:93f mitigation methods 4:692