140 GONDWANALAND AND GONDWANA Figure 10 Early Carboniferous (335 Ma) palaeogeography: SA, Sudan Arch; CAA, Central Arabian Arch; SP, Summan Platform; RH, rhyolite; LT, Lake Titicaca; GN, glacigenic nonmarine sediment; PB, Pimenta Bueno; J, Jauru´; IT, Itacaja; G, tillitic beds; KA, Kanimblan contraction; D, Drummond Basin; AS, Alice Springs; MES, Mount Eclipse Sandstone; red shading, igneous centres; orange upland; lime green nonmarine fringe behind shoreline Reproduced with permission from Veevers JJ (2004) Gondwanaland from 650 500 Ma assembly through 320 Ma merger in Pangaea to 185 100 Ma breakup: supercontinental tectonics via stratigraphy and radiometric dating Earth Science Reviews