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(Mẫu powerpoint) valentine

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TH IS IS YO U R P R ES EN TATIO N TITLE IN STR U CTIO N S FO R U SE ED IT IN G O O G LE S LID ES ED IT IN P O W ER P O IN T ® Click on the button under the presentation preview that says "U se as G oogle Click on the button under the presentation preview that says "D ow nload as Slides Them e" Pow erPoint tem plate".You w illget a pptx fi le that you can edit in Pow erPoint You w illget a copy of this docum ent on your G oogle D rive and w illbe able to edit, add or delete slides Rem em ber to dow nload and installthe fonts used in this presentation (you’llfi nd the links to the font fi les needed in the Presentation design slide) You have to be signed in to your G oogle account M ore in fo on h ow to u se th is tem p late at w w w slid escarn ival.com /h elp -u se-p resen tation -tem p late This tem plate is free to use under Creative Com m ons Attribution license.You can keep the Credits slide or m ention SlidesCarnivaland other resources used in a slide footer H ello w orld ! IAM JAYD EN SM ITH Iam here because Ilove to give presentations You can fi n d m e at: @ usernam e TR A N S ITIO N H EA D LIN E Let’s start w ith the fi rst set of slides “ Q u otation s are com m on ly p rin ted as a m ean s of in sp iration an d to in voke p h ilosop h ical th ou g h ts from th e read er TH IS IS A SLID E TITLE ▪ ▪ ▪ H ere you have a list of item s And som e text But rem em ber not to overload your slides w ith content Your audience w illlisten to you or read the content, but w on’t both B IG C O N C EP T Bring the attention of your audience over a key concept using icons or illustrations YO U CAN ALSO SPLIT YO U R CO N TEN T W h ite B lack Is the color of m ilk and fresh snow , the color produced Is the color of ebony and of outer space It has been the by the com bination of allthe colors of the visible sym bolic color of elegance, solem nity and authority spectrum IN TW O O R TH R EE CO LU M N S Yellow B lu e R ed Is the color of gold, butter and ripe Is the colour of the clear sky and the Is the color of blood, and because of lem ons In the spectrum of visible deep sea It is located betw een this it has historically been light, yellow is found betw een green violet and green on the optical associated w ith sacrifi ce, danger and orange spectrum and courage A PICTU RE IS W O RTH A TH O U SAN D W O R D S A com plex idea can be conveyed w ith just a single stillim age, nam ely m aking it possible to absorb large am ounts of data quickly 10 Presentation design This presentations uses the follow ing typographies: ▪ Titles & Body copy: C ou sin e D ow nload for free at: https://w w w fontsquirrel.com /fonts/cousine You don’t need to keep this slide in your presentation It’s only here to serve you as a design guide if you need to create new slides or dow nload the fonts to edit the presentation in Pow erPoint® 25 EX TR A R ES O U R C ES For Business Plans, M arketing Plans, Project Proposals, Lessons, etc 26 TIM ELIN E Blue is the colour of the clear sky and Red is the colour of danger and Black is the color of ebony and of Yellow is the color of gold,butter and W hite is the color of m ilk and fresh Blue is the colour of the clear sky and the deep sea courage outer space ripe lem ons snow the deep sea JJAN AN FEB FEB MM AR AR APR APR MM AY AY JJUUNN JJUULL AU AUGG SEP SEP OO CCTT NNOO VV DD EC EC Yellow is the color of gold, butter and W hite is the color of m ilk and fresh Blue is the colour of the clear sky and Red is the colour of danger and Black is the color of ebony and of Yellow is the color of gold, ripe lem ons snow the deep sea courage outer space butter and ripe lem ons 27 R O AD M AP Blue is the colour of the clear sky and Red is the colour of danger and Black is the color of ebony and of the deep sea courage outer space Yellow is the color of gold, butter and W hite is the color of m ilk and fresh Blue is the colour of the clear sky and ripe lem ons snow the deep sea 28 G AN TT CH ART W e ek 1 W eek 1 1 1 T a s k T a 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Resize them w ithout losing quality Change fi llcolor and opacity Isn’t that nice? :) Exam ples: 36 D IAG RAM S AN D IN FO G RAPH ICS 37 N o w you can u se an y em o ji as an ico n ! And of course it resizes w ithout losing quality and you can change the color H ow ? Follow G oogle instructions https://tw itter.com /googledocs/status/730087240156643328 �� ✋ ❤������ ✋ ✋ ✋and m any m ore 38 Free templates for all your presentation needs For PowerPoint and Google Slides 100% free for personal or commercial Ready to use, professional and Blow your audience away with use customizable attractive visuals

Ngày đăng: 26/10/2022, 10:38