12 Introduction to Modern Economic Growth LUX 11 IRL USA NOR NLD ITA BEL CAN AUS AUT FINFRA DNK SWE CHE ISL GBR ESP ISR NZL JPN KOR GRC PRT BRB MUS MYS TTO ARG CHLMEX SYC ZAF URY BRA IRN VEN GAB DOMPAN JOR SYR TUR CRI EGY GTM SLV MAR ECU COL PRY PER PHL JAM BOL HND GIN NIC log gdp per worker 2000 10 HKG THA ROM IDN PAK IND CHN CPV LKA BGD ZWE CIV COG LSO NPL MWI GNB BFA UGA ETH CMR COM SEN GHA GMB ZMB TCD BEN KEN TGO MOZ MLI MDG NER RWA NGA TZA BDI log gdp per worker 1960 10 Figure 1.9 Log GDP per worker in 2000 versus log GDP per worker in 1960, together with the 45◦ line observations for all countries going back to 1820 Finally, while these data include a correction for PPP, this is less reliable than the price comparisons used to construct the price indices in the Penn World tables Nevertheless, these are the best available estimates for differences in prosperity across a large number of nations going back to the 19th century Figures 1.10 shows the estimates of the distribution of countries by GDP per capita in 1820, 1913 (right before World War I) and 2000 To facilitate comparison, the same set of countries are used to construct the distribution of income in each date The distribution of income per capita in 1820 is relatively equal, with a very small left tail and a somewhat larger but still small right tail In contrast, by 1913, there is considerably more weight in the tails of the distribution By 2000, there are much larger differences 15