[...]... the electronic structure of the interface of solids and aquatic solutes w(nlld push the boundaries of aquatic surface chemistry I~TERACTION AT THE SOLID-WATER INTERFACE can be characterized in terms of the chemical and physical properties of water, the solute, and the 006.5-2393/9.5/0244-0001$09.28/0 © 199.5 American Chemical Society 2 AQUATIC CHEMISTRY sorbent The two basic processes in the reaction... was not available 25 years ago may now be found in a routine research facility The field has flourished and diversified tremendously Aquatic chemistry is no longer a subject dealing with the principles of dilute aqueous solution chemistry; it has evolved as the applied chemistry of multiphase and multicomponent environmental systems and as a highly multidisciplinary subject with a strong emphasis on... (e,g" degradation of refractory organic substances) Photoelectrochemistry (e,g., photoredox processes at semiconductor electrodes) 4 AQUATIC CHEMISTRY solution in natural weathering processes, in heterogeneous photochemical processes, and in technical systems (corrosion and dissolution of passive iron oxide films) Surface Coordination Chemistry Inner- and Outer-Sphere Complexes As illustrated in Figure... followed by five key talks representing five major topics of the symposium: surface chemistry, earth sciences, biology, redox and photochemistry, and engineering This book is structured to present these five key topics By no means is this book intended to provide a detailed account of all progress made in the past 25 years by aquatic chemists Rather, chapters provide examples of recent developments in the... Sorption of Hydrophobic Organic Contaminants in Natural Aquatic Systems 363 Walter J Weber, Jr., Paul M McGinley, and Lynn E Katz 19 Interaction of Coagulation-Flocculation with Separation Processes 383 Hermann H Hahn Author Index 397 Affiliation Index 397 Subject Index 398 xii PREFACE T HE FIRST REFERENCE BOOK IN AQUATIC CHEMISTRY, Equilibrium Concepts in Natural Water systems,... such as air, soil, water, and wastewater treatment facilities The teaching of aquatic chemistry has spread across the North American continent and to many parts of the world Although the field is thriving and progressing, many questions still await answers How and why some chemical species are transformed and transported in aquatic systems are unknown; more efficient, safe, and ecologically sound ways... manage our total environment Answers to these questions require a strong, multidisciplinary approach The symposium upon which this book is based was organized in honor of Werner Stumm, the founder of aquatic chemistry A total of 21 invited papers and 30 posters were presented at this special symposium A wide spectrum of scientists (surface chemists, soil chemists, geochemists, limnologists, and oceanographers)... surface and bulk List I gives an overview of the major concepts and important applications Surface chemistry of the oxide-water interface is emphasized here, not only because the oxides are of great importance at the mineral-water (including the clay-water) interface but also because its coordination chemistry is much better understood than that of other surfaces Experimental studies on the surface... Halocarbons in Aquatic Environments 253 Richard G Zepp and Leroy F Ritmiller 14 Photochemical Reductive Dissolution of Lepidocrocite: Effect of pH 279 Barbara Sulzberger and Hansulrich Laubscher 15 Photocatalytic Degradation of 4-Chlorophenol in Ti0 2 Aqueous SU~h:~~~~~~~g'~~d' C'hi:;-P~~ 'H~';~g""""""""""""""""'" 291 16 From Algae to Aquifers: Solid-Liquid Separation in Aquatic Systems... (L - = ligand) S-OH + L2 S-OH + L Ternary surface complex formation S-OH + L - + M~+ S-OH + L - + MZ+ SOCHCE: Modified from reference 4 , , I , , S-L + OHSz-L + + 2 OHS-L-M"+ + OHS-OM-U"-2)+ + H+ 6 AQUATIC CHEMISTRY deprotonated surface groups (S-O-) behave like Lewis bases and the sorption of metal ions (and protons) can be understood as competitive complex formation Adsorption of Ligands on Metal Oxides . Chemical Processes in Lakes in 1985, Aquatic Surface Chemistry in 1987, Aquatic Chemical Kinetics in 1990, and Chemistry of Aquatic Systems: Local and Global. tremen- dously. Aquatic chemistry is no longer a subject dealing with the principles of dilute aqueous solution chemistry; it has evolved as the applied chemistry