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Some experiences in teaching passive sentences for students in grades 8

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Some experiences in teaching passive sentences for students in grades 8 1 INDEX INDEX 1 A INTRODUCTION 2 I THE PURPOSE OF CHOOSING THE TOPIC 2 II RESEARCH PURPOSES 2 III RESEARCH SUBJECTS 2 IV RESEARC[.]

INDEX INDEX A INTRODUCTION I THE PURPOSE OF CHOOSING THE TOPIC II RESEARCH PURPOSES III RESEARCH SUBJECTS IV RESEARCH METHODS B CONTENT INITIATIVE EXPERIENCE I THEORETICAL BASIS OF INITIATIVE EXPERIENCE II THE SITUATION OF PROBLEM Advantages Disadvantages III THE SOLUTION USED TO SOLVE PROBLEMS Using the passive sentences Structure Turning the initiative into the passive The special form of passive sentences IV EFFECTIVENESS OF INITIATIVE EXPERIENCE C CONCLUSION I CONCLUDE II SUGGEST REFERENCES SangKienKinhNghiem.net 2 2 2 4 4 11 12 12 12 14 A INTRODUCTION English is the language used by most countries It became the international language used to communicate between nations I am an English teacher at a secondary school and I understand clearly methods of teaching English With my teaching experience, I always learn and improve the quality of my teaching in English With those criterias, I chose this topic “Some experiences in teaching passive sentences for students in grades 8” In the course of research, I believe there will be some errors, I hope to receive advice from my colleagues I THE PURPOSE OF CHOOSING THE TOPIC In English subject at the secondary school, passive sentence is also one of the important knowledge, students often have difficulties in doing exercises If students want to the passive sentences exercises well, they need to understand this form But in class only forty percents students understand the content of this, so I research this topic II RESEARCH PURPOSE When I write this idea, I just wanted to contribute my part to help them understand better passive sentences III RESEARCH SUBJECTS In my topic, I just focus on the theoretical part of the passive such as structured, how to use, how to switch from active to passive, several particularly in the passive, and some writing assignments and exercise tests IV RESEARCH METHODS Research, income forms essay assignments, test of passive sentences and how to homework, which can assess the qualifications and the knowledge of the students about the passive Research based on observation methods: attending classes of colleagues Research based on practice: teaching with the attendance of some colleagues then discuss to learn from each other Research based on survey methods: Teachers ask questions to check understanding the content of the student lesson B CONTENT INITIATIVE EXPERIENCE I THEORETICAL BASIS OF INITIATIVE EXPERIENCE When I was student in a secondary school, I learned about the passive sentences and had some difficulties I wanted to know how to distinguish the types of sentences and other forms of exercise But in traditional teaching: teacher-centered, students only khow to follow and write down what the teacher says So it becomes boring lesson, students are not able to think creatively in class In the program of today’s SangKienKinhNghiem.net textbooks to help students better understand and the difficulties in doing homework passive sentences II THE SITUATION OF THE PROBLEM Advantages 1.1 On the part of teachers - Have to access and use of new methods in teaching - Creativity, learn some appropriate teaching compatible with the content of the lecture - Teachers use modern equipment well such as computers, speakers, projectors, 1.2 On the part of students - The majority of school students are excellent students selected from schools in Ngoc Lac district - The majority of students prefer studying English, and spend much time studying Disadvantages Besides the above advantages, teachers and students exist back: 2.1 On the part of teachers Teachers also use several methods that are not suitable with the form of the lesson, so students will have some difficulties in understanding the lesson 2.2 On the part of students Students not pay attention to enlarge the vocabulary so vocabulary is very limited them And some of them not study and not homework 2.3 Teaching equipment Equipment used for teaching English is limited Some equipments is spoiled or outdated inconsistent with teaching III THE SOLUTION USED TO SOLVE PROBLEMS Using the passive sentences - When it is not necessary to mention acting agent ( because situations was too obvious or unimportant ) Eg: The road has been repaired - When we not know or forget the people take action Eg: The money was stolen - When we ourselves are interested in action than the person the action Eg: This book was published in Vietnam - When the subject of the sentences is subject not actively defined as: people, they, someone… Eg: People say that he will win [1] → It’s said that he will win - When the speaker does not want to mention all actions cause Eg: Smoking is not allowed here Structure SangKienKinhNghiem.net I will be divided the passive sentence structure in English into two categories: Type 1: Passive for not continuing This form of the general formula: BE + PAST PARTICIPLE Type 2: Passive with the ongoing This form of the general formula: BE + BEING + PAST PARTICIPLE The 1st type is used for tenses of non-ongoing passive and the 2nd type is applied for the other tenses of ongoing passive But in this research, I only want to introduce to students the tenses that they are studying in teaching program It includes tenses of non-ongoing passive: present tense, past tense, past participle, future simple tense and tenses of ongoing passive: present continuous and past continuous 2.1 Type 1: Passive for not continuing + Simple Present: S + am/is/are + Past Participle Eg: Active: They raise cows in Ba Vi [1] Passive: Cows are raised in Ba Vi + Simple Past: S + was/were + Past Participle Eg: Active: Jame Watt invented the steam engine in 1784 [3] Passive: The steam engine was invented by Jame Watt in 1784 + Present perfect: S + have/has been + Past Participle Eg: Active: They have just finished the project [4] Passive: The projects has just been finished + Simple Future: S + will be + Past Participle Eg: Active: They will build a new school for disabled children next month Passive: A new school for disabled children will be built next month + Modal verb S + Modal Verb + be + Past Participle Eg 1: Active: You can see him now SangKienKinhNghiem.net Passive: He can be seen ( by you ) now Eg 2: Active: He should type his term paper Passive: His term paper should be typed 2.2 Type 2: Continous passive + Present Continuous S + am/is/are + being + Past Participle Eg: Active: Ann is writing a letter [2] Passive: A letter is being written by Ann + Past Continuous S + was/were + being + Past Participle Eg: Active: She was cleaning the room at a.m yesterday [2] Passive: The room was being cleaned at a.m yesterday Turning the initiative into the passive If the students want to change from the passive initiative to question, they should know the steps: - Determining the object in the active sentence then transforming it into the subject of the passive sentence - Determining the tense of the verb in the sentence of the i active sentence, putting “to be” corresponding to it and the subject of the new passive sentence - Conjugating the main verb in the i active sentence in the form of past participle in the passive sentence - By + Action agent ( When we want to stress triggers action ) S + V + O S + V (participle) + O Eg: They S  will finish V this work tomorrow O This work will be finished (by them) tomorrow In this section students should note the following issues - The manner adverbs are usually placed before the past participle in the passive sentences Eg: He wrote the book wonderfully [4] → The book was wonderfully written - By + Action agent standing behind the adverbs of place and in front of the adverbs of time SangKienKinhNghiem.net Eg1: A passer – by took him home → He was taken home by a passer – by Eg2: We will receive the gifts on Monday → The gifts will be received by us on Monday - Negative and interrogative passive sentences are created the same way of the active However not every sentence can be changed from active to passive and vice versa In order to change from active to passive, the sentence has to have a transitive verb A sentence with an intransitive verb cannot be changed into passive Intransitive verb is a verb which should have an immediate objective while transitive verb does not Eg: 1) She is making a cake → A cake is being made by her Transitive verb 2) They run along the beach every morning Intransitive verb Practice Apply the above knowledge, practice by doing the following exercises: Exercise 1: Change these sentences into passive My father waters this flower every morning → …… John invited Fiona to his birthday party last night → …… No one can move the heavy rock in his garden → …… Her mother is preparing the dinner in the kitchen → …… We should clean our teeth twice a day → …… Beside the above exercises, there are tests about passive also be applied Students have to be very confident in using structure, understand and know how to exercises in exchange from active into passive Below are some exercises in tests which can help students practice their knowledge so they can better test in passive voice Exercise 2: Chose the correct answer My wedding ring of yellow and white gold a is made b is making c made d maked If your brother , he would come a invited b were invited c were inviting d invite Mr Wilson is as Willie to his friend a knowed b knew c know d is know References in the examination room a not are used b is not used c didn’t used d are not used Laura in Boston SangKienKinhNghiem.net a are born b were born c was born d born The special form of passive sentences Exchanging from active to passive completely belong to the structure of each sentence Therefore the best way to change is to consider them following the sample sentences 4.1 Sample sentences: S + V + O (C, A) This new form language in question can be a noun or pronoun phrase Consider some examples: S + V + O Eg: Active: Her mother is cleaning the kitchen Passive: The kitchen is being cleaned by her mother S+V+O+C Eg: They called Mr Angry → He was called Mr Angry S+V+O+A Eg: He put the table in the corner → The table was put in the corner 4.2 Examples : S+V+O +O For sentences that have two objects, we can use one of them transformed into the subject in the passive However, the object as a person is use the more Eg: We gave him a nice present on his birthday Oi Od - The first way : He was given a nice present on his birthday - The second way : Need to add a preposition A nice present was given to him on his birthday In this circumstance, there are two prepositions can be used : to, for Some verbs that go with “to” : give, bring, send, show, write, post, pass Some verbs that go with “for”: buy, make, cook, keep, find, get, save, order Eg1: She didn’t show me this special camera → This camera wasn’t shown to me Eg2: She is making him a cup of tea → A cup of tea is being made for him SangKienKinhNghiem.net 4.3 Passive voice with reporting verbs The narrative verbs are usually used in narrating spoken words, thoughts, questions or apologies… Some verbs always meet are say, think, know, believe, ask, tell… Have two structures related to the reporting verb: + Sample sentences: Active: S + V + O + That clause Passive: S (O) + be past participle + that clause Eg: He told me that you had a new bike [1]  I was told that you had a new bike + Sample sentences: S + V + That + Clause This sample has two ways to switch to passive: Step 1: Using subject “it” Eg: People think that I am The best student in my class [1]  It is thought that I am the best student in my class Step 2: Using the subject of that-clause and using prototype form of the verb In the example above, a second transfer is Eg: I am thought to be the best student in my class [1] In a second transfer, you can use prototype form of the verb: + To-inf: When the action takes place in the same place that-clause or occurrs after the action in the same place that-clause or occurrs after the action in the reported clause + Prototype continues: to be Ving, when the action in that-clause is in the continous tense, the action in the reported clause is simple, the same rank + Prototype completed: To have done, when the action in that-clause occurred before the action in the reported clause Eg1: People say that he is a rich man [1]  He is said to be a rich man SangKienKinhNghiem.net Eg2: They think that she is living there  She is thought to be living there Eg3: They said that Tom had left home before the weekend  Tom was said to have left home before the weekend 4.4 Imperative: When moving imperative to a passive sentences, we follows structure: Active: Passive: V + O + Adjunct Let + O + be past participle + Adjunct Eg: Take off your hat!  Let your hat be taken off! Apart from above, there is another way to exchange imperative to the passive but less than That is: S + am/is/are + to be + P.P Or S + should be + P.P Eg: Active: Look after the children please! Passive: The children should be looked after! Or: The children are to be looked after! 4.5 WH- question For the WH- questions, we divide them into two categories: Type 1: Eg: Active: How many languages they speak in Canada? [3] Passive: How many languages are spoken in Canada? Type 2: Eg: Who wrote this novel? [4]  Who was this novel writte by? Or:  By whom was this novel written? SangKienKinhNghiem.net 4.6 Structure : There are two circumstances occur: a Objective of V-ing is the only one as the subject of the sentences: Eg: He kept me waiting -> I was kept waiting ( by him) b Objective of V-ing not only mean the subject of the sentence: Eg : He hates people looking at him  He hates being looked at ( by people) 4.7 Structure : S + V S + O ( to) + V + V + O + to + V - When the objective is not the same with subject Eg : We asked him to it -> He was asked to it - When the objective is same as subject Eg : She would love someone to take her out to dinner -> She would love to be taken out to dinner + S + V + O + V( without to) When changing to passive voice, we use To-infinitive except the verb “let” Eg : We heard him sing this song -> He was heard to sing this song BUT : They let us go home -> We were let go home OR : We were allowed to go home 4.8 Structure Have / get something done + have Active : S + have + Object (person) + bare infinitive + Object Passive : S + have + Object (thing) + Past Participle (+ by + Object(person)) Eg : I has him repair my bicycle yesterday -> I had my bicycle repaired yesterday SangKienKinhNghiem.net 10 + get Active: S + get + O (person) + to infinitive + O ( thing) Passive : S + get + O (thing) + Past participle (+by + O(person)) Eg: I get her to make some coffee -> I get some coffee made PRACTICE Based on the knowledge above, ask students to complete these exercises: Exercise I : Change these sentences in to passive: [3] Do they teach English here? ->………………………………………………… Did the teacher give some exercises? ->………………………………………………… When will you the work? ->………………………………………………… What books are people reading this year? ->………………………………………………… People saw him steal your car ->………………………………………………… Exercise I1 Chose the most correct answers to complete these sentences: The old lady was ……….exhausted after the long walk a very b absolutely c pretty d fairly The old man is said…………….all his money to an old people’s home when he died a to leave b to leaving c have left d to have left Nobody was injured in the accident, …………? a was there b was he c were they d weren’t they Renoir’s paintings ……… masterpieces all over the world a had considered b are considered c are considering d consider He was advised…………singing lessons a take b taken c taking d to take Exercise III : Select sentence with the same meaning with the given sentences by choosing a, b, c or d It has been said that UFO sightings are increasing a People say that UFO sightings are increasing b people have said that UFO sightings are increasing c That UFO sightings are increasing is true d UFO has been said to be increasing He is getting them mend the windows a He’s having the windows to mend b He’s having to mend the windows SangKienKinhNghiem.net 11 c He’s having to be mended the windows d He is having the windows mended They made her hand over her passport a She was made to hand over her passport b She was made hand over her passport c She was handed over to make her passport d She was handed over for her passport to make Don’t let the others see you a Don’t let you to be seen b Don’t let yourself be seen c You aren’t to be seen by the others d Both a &c allowed They say that many people are homeless after the tsunami a They say many people to have been homeless after the tsunami b They say many people to babe homeless after the tsunami c Many people are said to have been homeless after the tsunami d Many people are said to be homeless after the tsunami c Brian told me to have been attacked in the street d Brian told me that he had been attacked in the street IV EFFECTIVENESS OF INITIATIVE EXPERIENCE During the teaching process of English 8, I have introduced to students the basic knowledge about the passive voice in English For the different students, we also have to use different amount of knowledge For the average students, I only introduce to them the basic parts such as how to change from active to passive voice, then passive voice in some tenses in English for this teaching program With WH-questions or structure “S-V-O” For the good students, I introduce to them some more special parts in passive voice In the process of applying the above knowledge and method, I realized that most of the students are able to understand and apply the basic knowledge in practice Please see below the result of evaluation after applying that method: No Result of evaluation Grade Excellent Good Fair Weak SL % SL % SL % SL % 8A1 25 14 44 10 31 0 8A2 15 44 11 32 24 34 bad SL % 0 0 However, for the fair students, they still meet some difficulties because this knowledge is relevant to other parts in English It is the reason why when teaching this part, I required my students to repeat the old knowledge that they have learn in the past SangKienKinhNghiem.net 12 C CONCLUSION I CONCLUDE Above is some of my personal experiences in teaching English I realize that in the process of teaching, teachers need to try their best to flexibly apply different teaching method so that they are suitable for different students Beside, teachers also should use different pedagogical skills to encourage and stimulate students in order to help students to gain better result Teachers need to create comfortable atmosphere, clear explanations, slow, easy to understand the problems the students understand Leveraging the power of the collective, expressed through the mutual help between the pupils in the classroom Pretty good students helping students on average, weak, poorly II SUGGEST For the school managing board - Create conditions on campus teaching as timely repair lab sports so students can use, buy additional reference book for teachers studies, additional equipment for teaching, such as pictures, tapes, CD’s, VCD, - Arrange reasonal time for students to always be learning fostested downloads to enhance the quality of and fostesting good students - A worthy reward for teachers to teach effectively and the prizes in the contest good students at district level, provincial level For the Department of Education and Training - Organize workshops, improve the professional skills of teachers throughout the district at the begining of every school year - Organize the meeting English speaking students to schools create new inspiration in learning, and motivation for students - Every year there should be a selection of topics, initiative experiences graded A in the district and provide to all schools in the area Principal’s signature Ngoc Lac, March 4th, 2017 I declare this is my own work and works of others I am liable for any copyright and plagiarism problems related to this work Written by: Do Thi Quyen SangKienKinhNghiem.net 13 REFERENCES [1] The new Teacher’s Book, Student book for Grade 8, 9, Education Publising House [2] The old Teacher’s Book Student book for Grade 8, 9, Education Publising House [3] English excercise book 8, written by Mai Lan Huong and Nguyen Thanh Loan, Da Nang Publising House [4] Supplementary excercises and advanced English 8, Education Publising House SangKienKinhNghiem.net 14 ... teaching English With my teaching experience, I always learn and improve the quality of my teaching in English With those criterias, I chose this topic ? ?Some experiences in teaching passive sentences. .. applied for the other tenses of ongoing passive But in this research, I only want to introduce to students the tenses that they are studying in teaching program It includes tenses of non-ongoing passive: ... sightings are increasing a People say that UFO sightings are increasing b people have said that UFO sightings are increasing c That UFO sightings are increasing is true d UFO has been said to be increasing

Ngày đăng: 26/10/2022, 04:26


