shopping for, 218 Soup, Creamy, 217, 217 and spinach lasagna, best cooking methods, 737–38 and Spinach Lasagna, Creamy, 737, 738–39, 740 Spring Vegetable Risotto, 755, 755–57 storing, 218 Upgraded Green Bean Casserole, 416, 416–17, 417 washing, 218, 218–19 Weeknight Spaghetti with Meat Sauce, 705–6, 706, 707 Mustard Beer, and Sauerkraut, Grilled or Pan-Roasted Bratwurst with, 520 -Honey Marinade, 345 -Maple-Glazed Pan-Seared Pork Chops, 356 used as emulsifying agent, 774 Myosin, 866–67 Nitrates and nitrites, 494 Noodles (or Rice), The Ultimate Chicken Vegetable Soup with, 188, 191 Nucleation sites, 99 Nutmeg Seasoning Mix for Bratwurst-Style Sausage, 505 Nuts See also specific nuts adding to cranberry sauce, 624 adding to salads, 765 preparing, for chopped salads, 834 toasting in a skillet, 783, 783 toasting in the oven, 765, 783 Offset spatula, 69–70 Oil See also Frying oil; Olive Oil adding to pasta water, 678 best, for searing steaks, 293–94 boiling point of, 891 canola, for cooking, 294 common types, smoke points of, 860–61 flash point, defined, 891 for marinades, 327 peanut, for deep-frying, 293 smoke point, defined, 891 storing, 80 vegetable, use of term, 860 Okra, preparing, for tempura, 903 Olive Oil cooking with, 779 extra-virgin, for flavoring dishes, 293 extra-virgin, smoke point, 861 first cold press, about, 777 and garlic sauce, about, 679–80 grades of, 777–78 how to buy, 777–78 how to store, 778–79 how to taste, 778 and Lemon Zest, Warm Ricotta with, 154 light, smoke point, 861 overwhipped, effect on flavor, 779 pure, or light, about, 777–78 and Three Flavors of Garlic, Pasta with, 684, 684 virgin and extra-virgin, about, 777 ... See also Frying oil; Olive Oil adding to pasta water, 678 best, for searing steaks, 293–94 boiling point of, 891 canola, for cooking, 294 common types, smoke points of, 860–61 flash point, defined, 891 for marinades, 327... smoke point, defined, 891 storing, 80 vegetable, use of term, 860 Okra, preparing, for tempura, 903 Olive Oil cooking with, 779 extra-virgin, for flavoring dishes, 293 extra-virgin, smoke point, 861 first cold press, about, 777