choosing dried chiles for, 253–54 con Carne, Real Texas, 266, 269, 269 flavorful, characteristics of, 253 flavorings for, 256–57 green, best cooking methods, 270–73 green, ingredients for, 270–71 Ground Beef, Easy Weeknight, 261, 261–62, 262 preparing beans for, 255–56, 256 preparing short ribs for, 255, 255 Short Rib, with Beans, The Best, 259, 259–60 Texas, best cooking methods, 266, 266–68, 267 vegetarian, best cooking methods, 263–64 Vegetarian Bean, The Best, 264, 265, 265 whole versus ground spices for, 257–58 Chili-Garlic Butter, Micro-Steamed Corn with, 429 Chili Mac, Cheesy, 725, 725–26 Chimichurri Grilled Marinated Short Ribs with, 346, 346 Sauce, 395 Chloroblasts, 409 Chlorophyll, 409 Chlorophyllase, 409 Chocolate Mix, Hot best ways to prepare, 172–73 Homemade, 172, 173 Chopsticks, 70 Chorizo and Brussels Sprout Leaves, Almost-No-Stir Risotto with, 755 Mexican, Grilled or Pan-Roasted, with Spicy Tomato- Caper Sauce, 521–22, 522 Mexican, Seasoning Mix for, 506 Chowder, Corn The Best, 210, 212 best cooking methods, 210–11 Cilantro Chimichurri Sauce, 395 Classic Pico de Gallo, 351 Mexican Street Corn Salad, 436, 436–37 Peruvian-Style Spicy Jalapeño Sauce, 599 Spicy Thai-Style Flank Steak Salad, 344, 344 Cis fat, 856 Citrus See also specific citrus fruits cutting into suprêmes, 770–71, 771 juicer for, 70–71 preparing, for chopped salads, 835 Clams, Fresh, Linguine with, 692, 692 Clarified butter, about, 110 CLAs (transconjugated linoleic acids), about, 287–88 “Claw” grip, 49–50, 50 Cobb Salad, Chopped Ranch, 841–42 Cocoa powder, shelf life, 79 Coconut oil, smoke point of, 861 Cod Beer-Battered Fried, 850, 892, 892–94 Fried Fish Sandwiches with Creamy Slaw and Tartar Sauce, 895, 896 Colby cheese, flavor of, and best uses for, 718–19 Coleslaw, Creamy, 822, 822 Collagen ...Caper Sauce, 521–22, 522 Mexican, Seasoning Mix for, 506 Chowder, Corn The Best, 210, 212 best cooking methods, 210–11 Cilantro Chimichurri Sauce, 395 Classic Pico de Gallo, 351 Mexican Street Corn Salad, 436, 436–37... preparing, for chopped salads, 835 Clams, Fresh, Linguine with, 692, 692 Clarified butter, about, 110 CLAs (transconjugated linoleic acids), about, 287–88 “Claw” grip, 49–50, 50 Cobb Salad, Chopped Ranch, 841–42