Unusual Dark malts, roasted Ingredients unmalted barley Like stout, but stronger (originally Qualities for export to Russia) Beer Style Wheat beer: Bavarian Alcohol Content, Percent by 2.8– Volume 5.6 Unusual Wheat malt, special Ingredients yeasts Wheat, grain, tartness, banana and Qualities clove notes Beer Style Berlin Alcohol Content, Percent by 2.8– Volume 3.6 Unusual Ingredients Lactobacillus culture Qualities Wheat, slightly fruity, sour Beer Style Belgian Alcohol Content, Percent by 4.2– Volume 5.5 Unmalted wheat, spices, bitter Unusual orange peel, special yeasts, Ingredients Lactobacillus culture Qualities Wheat, spice, citrus, tartness Beer Style American Alcohol Content, Percent by 3.7– Volume 5.5 Unusual Ingredients Normal yeasts Wheat, grain, light hop aromas, Qualities light bitterness Beer Style Belgian lambics Alcohol Content, Percent by Volume Unusual Unmalted wheat, aged hops, Ingredients wild yeasts and bacteria Qualities Beer Style Faro Alcohol Content, Percent by 4.7– Volume 5.8 Unusual Ingredients Spices, sugar ... American Alcohol Content, Percent by 3.7– Volume 5.5 Unusual Ingredients Normal yeasts Wheat, grain, light hop aromas, Qualities light bitterness Beer Style Belgian lambics Alcohol Content, Percent by Volume... Alcohol Content, Percent by Volume Unusual Unmalted wheat, aged hops, Ingredients wild yeasts and bacteria Qualities Beer Style Faro Alcohol Content, Percent by 4.7– Volume 5.8 Unusual Ingredients Spices, sugar