of sieving called “reverse osmosis.” The lowest-alcohol malt product is “malta,” a popular drink in the Caribbean made by bottling a full-fledged wort without any fermentation at all It is dense and sweet Then there are “malt beverages,” which have the alcohol and calorie content of beer, but taste nothing like beer: they’re more like soft drinks In these products, the only purpose of the malt is to generate sugars for fermentation into alcohol; neither it nor the yeast contributes any flavor Some Styles and Qualities of Beer Beer Style Pale lager: European Alcohol Content, Percent by Volume 4–6 Unusual Ingredients Malty, bitter and spicy/floral from Qualities hops Beer Style American/International Alcohol Content, Percent by Volume 3.5–5 Unusual Ingredients Unmalted grains Little malt or hop aroma or Qualities bitterness; cooked-corn, green apple notes Beer Style Dark lager: European Alcohol Content, Percent by 4.3– Volume 5.6 Unusual Ingredients Qualities Malty, somewhat sweet Beer Style American Alcohol Content, Percent by Volume 4–5 Unusual Unmalted grains, caramel Ingredients coloring Little malt or hop aroma; cookedQualities corn note; some sweetness Beer Style Bock Alcohol Content, Percent by Volume 6–12 ...Beer Style American/International Alcohol Content, Percent by Volume 3.5–5 Unusual Ingredients Unmalted grains Little malt or hop aroma or... Beer Style Dark lager: European Alcohol Content, Percent by 4.3– Volume 5.6 Unusual Ingredients Qualities Malty, somewhat sweet Beer Style American Alcohol Content, Percent by Volume 4–5 Unusual... coloring Little malt or hop aroma; cookedQualities corn note; some sweetness Beer Style Bock Alcohol Content, Percent by Volume 6–12