Steaming: Heating by Vapor Condensation and Convection Pan-Frying and Sautéing: Conduction Deep Frying: Oil Convection Microwaving: Microwave Radiation Utensil Materials The Different Behaviors of Metals and Ceramics Ceramics Aluminum Copper Iron and Steel Stainless Steel Tin Each of the basic methods of cooking, from grilling over a fire to irradiating in a microwave oven, has its own particular influence on food This chapter briefly explains how these methods work, and describes the properties of the various metal and ceramic utensils we use to heat foods First, though, it’s good to consider an important transformation that foods undergo when they’re subjected to sufficient heat, no matter what the cooking method The browning reactions come up in every chapter this book They have remarkable effects on both the flavor and appearance of a host of foods, from condensed milk to grilled meats, from chocolate to beer Browning Reactions and Flavor While the chemical changes caused by moderate heat modify or intensify flavors that are intrinsic to a food, the browning reactions produce new flavors, flavors that are characteristic of the cooking process These reactions are named for the typical colors that they also create, which may actually range from yellow to red to black, depending on the conditions Caramelization ... They have remarkable effects on both the flavor and appearance of a host of foods, from condensed milk to grilled meats, from chocolate to beer Browning Reactions and Flavor While the chemical changes caused by... are intrinsic to a food, the browning reactions produce new flavors, flavors that are characteristic of the cooking process These reactions are named for the typical colors that they also create, which may actually range...First, though, it’s good to consider an important transformation that foods undergo when they’re subjected to sufficient heat, no matter what the cooking method The browning reactions come up in every chapter this book They have remarkable effects on