translucent, and traditionally flavored with essence of rose Licorice Licorice is usually made with wheat flour and molasses, around 30% and 60% of the mix respectively, with licorice extract around 5%; it’s dense and opaque, like its flavor The licorice is often complemented with anise, and in Scandinavian countries there’s a curious pairing of licorice with ammonia — in foods, an aroma usually encountered only in overripe cheeses! Jelly Beans and Gummy Candies These favorites are made with approximately equal weights of sucrose and corn syrup and a mixture of gelatin and pectin The gelatin may be between and 15% of the candy weight, and by itself produces an increasingly elastic, even rubbery texture; pectin at around 1% introduces a complex microstructure into the candy, gives a shorter, more crumbly texture and also causes candy tastes and aromas to seem more intense Gelatin is degraded in high heat, so a concentrated solution is added to the sugar syrup after it has been cooked and mostly cooled These candies are relatively moist, being about 15% water Marzipan Marzipan is essentially a paste of sugar and almonds, has been made in the Middle East and Mediterranean region for centuries, and is especially prized as a sculptural material; it’s shaped and colored to resemble fruits and vegetables, animals, people, and many other objects The solid phase in nut pastes like marzipan is provided by finely granulated sugar and the particles of nut proteins and carbohydrates It can be made by cooking almonds and syrup together and then cooling and crystallizing the mixture; or ground almonds can be mixed with a premade fondant and powdered sugar Egg white or gelatin is sometimes added to improve the binding ... paste of sugar and almonds, has been made in the Middle East and Mediterranean region for centuries, and is especially prized as a sculptural material; it’s shaped and colored to resemble fruits and. .. nut proteins and carbohydrates It can be made by cooking almonds and syrup together and then cooling and crystallizing the mixture; or ground almonds can be mixed with a premade fondant and powdered sugar Egg white or gelatin... people, and many other objects The solid phase in nut pastes like marzipan is provided by finely granulated sugar and the particles of nut proteins and carbohydrates It can be made by cooking almonds