drying, and microwaving tend to generate trisulfides, the characteristic notes of overcooked cabbage Cooking at high temperatures in fat produces more volatiles and a stronger flavor than do other techniques Relatively mild garlic compounds persist in butter but are changed to rubbery, pungent notes in more reactive unsaturated vegetable oils Blanching whole garlic apparently inactivates the flavor-generating enzyme and limits its action, so the flavor of garlic cooked whole is only slightly pungent, and sweet, nutty notes come to the fore Similarly, pickled garlic and onions are relatively mild The sugar and sugar-chain content of onions and garlic is largely responsible for their readiness to brown when fried, and contributes a caramel note to the cooked flavor Food Words: Onion, Garlic, Shallot, Scallion Vegetable names in the onion family come from diverse sources Onion itself comes from the Latin for “one,” “oneness,” “unity,” and was the name given by Roman farmers to a variety of onion (cepa) that grew singly, without forming multiple bulbs as garlic and shallots do Garlic is an Anglo-Saxon word that meant “spearleek”: a leek with a slim, pointed leaf blade rather than a broad, open one And both shallot and scallion come via Latin from Ashqelon, the Hebrew name for a city in what in classical times was southwest Palestine Onions and Shallots Onions are plants of the speci es Allium cepa, which originated in central Asia but has spread across the globe in hundreds of different varieties There are two major categories of market onions in the United States, defined not by variety but by season and harvesting practice Spring or ...Vegetable names in the onion family come from diverse sources Onion itself comes from the Latin for “one,” “oneness,” “unity,” and was the name given by Roman farmers to a variety of onion (cepa) that... shallot and scallion come via Latin from Ashqelon, the Hebrew name for a city in what in classical times was southwest Palestine Onions and Shallots Onions are plants of the speci es Allium cepa, which originated... central Asia but has spread across the globe in hundreds of different varieties There are two major categories of market onions in the United States, defined not by variety but by season and harvesting practice