winter wheats are sown in late fall, live through the winter as a seedling, and are harvested in the summer The most common wheat varieties are red, their seed coat reddish brown with phenolic compounds White wheats, with a much lower phenolic content and a light tan seed coat, are becoming increasingly popular for the light color and less astringent “sweet” taste of their wholewheat flours and products containing part or all of the bran Turning Wheat into Flour The baking qualities of a particular flour are determined by the wheat from which it’s made, and how that wheat is turned into flour Wheat grain and flour Left : The wheat kernel before milling Its actual length is about a quarter of an inch/6 mm Upper right : Soft wheat flour The protein in this kind of wheat comes in thin, weak sections interrupted by starch granules and air pockets When milled, it produces small, fine particles Soft flour makes a weak gluten and is preferred for tender pastries and cakes Lower right : Hard wheat flour The protein matrix in hard wheat endosperm is strong enough to break off in chunks during milling Hard flours make strong gluten and are preferred for most bread making Milling: Conventional and Stone Grinding Milling is the process of breaking the wheat ... flour The protein matrix in hard wheat endosperm is strong enough to break off in chunks during milling Hard flours make strong gluten and are preferred for most bread making Milling: Conventional and Stone Grinding...Wheat grain and flour Left : The wheat kernel before milling Its actual length is about a quarter of an inch/6 mm Upper right : Soft wheat flour The protein in this kind of wheat comes in... thin, weak sections interrupted by starch granules and air pockets When milled, it produces small, fine particles Soft flour makes a weak gluten and is preferred for tender pastries and cakes Lower