Fermented soy pastes and sauces developed into many different regional variations in Asia Among them is the Indonesian condiment kecap, whose name gave us our term for a sweet-sour tomato condiment Kecap is made by allowing Aspergillus mold to grow on cooked soybeans for about a week, brinefermenting the moldy mass for to 20 weeks, then boiling it for 4 to 5 hours, and filtering off the solids The salty version is called kecap asin To make sweet kecap manis, palm sugar and a variety of spices — among them galangal, makrut lime, fennel, coriander, and garlic — are added to the fermented beans just before the boiling OPPOSITE: Making soy sauce The more involved and time-consuming fermentation produces a much more flavorful result than the quick chemical production method To make sure you’re buying genuine soy sauce, read the label carefully, and avoid products that include added flavorings and colors Tempeh Tempeh was invented in Indonesia, and unlike miso and soy sauce is not a salty preserved condiment but an unsalted, quickfermented, perishable main ingredient It’s made by cooking whole soybeans, forming them into thin layers, and fermenting with a mold, Rhizopus oligosporus or R oryzae, for 24 hours at a warm, tropical temperature (85– 90ºF/30–33ºC) The mold grows and produces thread-like hyphae, which penetrate the beans and bind them together, and digest significant amounts of protein and oil to flavorful fragments Fresh tempeh has a yeasty, mushroomy aroma; when sliced and fried, it develops a nutty, almost meaty flavor Natto Natto has been made in Japan for at least 1,000 years, and is notable for being distinctly ... thread-like hyphae, which penetrate the beans and bind them together, and digest significant amounts of protein and oil to flavorful fragments Fresh tempeh has a yeasty, mushroomy aroma; when sliced and fried, it...sauce, read the label carefully, and avoid products that include added flavorings and colors Tempeh Tempeh was invented in Indonesia, and unlike miso and soy sauce is not a salty preserved condiment... soybeans, forming them into thin layers, and fermenting with a mold, Rhizopus oligosporus or R oryzae, for 24 hours at a warm, tropical temperature (8 5– 90ºF/30–33ºC) The mold grows and produces thread-like hyphae, which penetrate the beans