slaughtered without suffering the stress and physical damage of being hooked, netted, or dumped en masse on deck; and they can be processed and chilled immediately and cleanly, thus prolonging their period of maximum quality The Oceans’ Silver Streams Fish…may seem a mean and a base commodity; yet who will but truly take the pains and consider the sequel, I think will allow it well worth the labour… The poor Hollanders chiefly by fishing at a great charge and labour in all weathers in the open sea,…are made so mighty, strong, and rich, as no state but Venice of twice their magnitude is so well furnished, with so many fair cities, goodly towns, strong fortresses… The sea [is] the source of those silver streams of all their virtue, which hath made them now the very miracle of industry, the only pattern of perfection for these affairs… — Capt John Smith, The Generall Historie of Virginia, New England, and the Summer Isles, London, 1624 However, aquaculture is not a perfect solution to the problems of ocean fishing, and has itself created a number of serious problems Farming in offshore pens contaminates surrounding waters with wastes, antibiotics, and unconsumed food, and allows genetically uniform fish to escape and dilute the diversity of already endangered wild populations The feed for carnivorous and scavenger species (salmon, shrimp) is mainly protein-rich fish meal, so some aquaculture operations actually consume wild fish rather than sparing them And very recent studies have found that some environmental toxins (PCBs, p 184) become concentrated in fish meal and are deposited in the flesh of farmed salmon A less serious problem, but one that makes ...perfection for these affairs… — Capt John Smith, The Generall Historie of Virginia, New England, and the Summer Isles, London, 1624 However, aquaculture is not a perfect solution to the problems of ocean fishing, and. .. operations actually consume wild fish rather than sparing them And very recent studies have found that some environmental toxins (PCBs, p 184) become concentrated in fish meal and are deposited in the flesh of farmed... genetically uniform fish to escape and dilute the diversity of already endangered wild populations The feed for carnivorous and scavenger species (salmon, shrimp) is mainly protein-rich fish meal, so some aquaculture operations actually consume wild fish rather