Stukeley, William 41, 44 subjective expression 230 sublimity, Burke’s definition 41 substitutions 55 Swift, Jonathan 79, 80 Tahiti, British colonialism 192 Taleb Khan, Mirza Abu 192 tales, and romances 128 Tasso, Torquato, Amyntas 15, 19 tautology, Wordsworth’s views 207, 209 Taylor, Thomas, Neoplatonism 46 telegraphy, Napoleon’s use 257 Tennyson, Alfred, Lord xvii “Mariana” 162 Poems, Chiefly Lyrical xxi poems in the poetess tradition 162 “The Lady of Shalott” 162 “The Palace of Art” 162 Teyoninhokarawen (John Norton) 192