parodies Wordsworth’s Peter Bell 17 Reynolds, Joshua, Sir xi, 138 Reynolds-Hood commonplace book 17 Ricardo, David, An Essay On the Low Price of Corn and the Profits of Stock xviii Rich, Adrienne, invocation of Shelley Richards, I A., practical criticism and Romantic poetry Richardson, Samuel 120, 122 Richardson, Sarah, Abridged History of the Bible, in Verse 15 Ritson, Joseph 42, 249 Robert, Marthe, on novels 128 Robinson, Henry Crabbe, Wordsworth urges critical attacks on Byron 24 Robinson, Jeffrey, on Hazlitt’s Select British Poets 22 Robinson, Mary 4, 118, 167 erotic resistance and seduction in her lyric poetry 223 inheritance of poetic traditions 171 Lyrical Tales xvi, 128 “Oberon to the Queen of the Fairies” 224 as poetess 161