“Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard” 38, 269 inclusion in the canon of writers 16 influence on Blake 44 “The Bard” xi, 38, 42, 179 “The Fatal Sisters” 42 “The Progress of Poesie” 145 Great Britain political instability and the importance of the standardization of English 76 political unity denied by poets’ use of English 81 Greece, cultural influence 45–8 Greek classics, canon 16 Green Bag, The (Hone and Cruikshank) 14 Grillparzer, Franz, Sappho 15 Grimstone, Mary Leman, “Zayda” 29 “h, ” incorrect use of 80 Hacking, Ian, on nostalgia 199 Haeckel, Ernst, on individual and collective development 137 Hagstrum, Jean, on unearthly lovers in Romantic poetry 169 Hall, Samuel Carter, Lines Written at Jerpoint Abbey 15