“We Are Seven” 208 The White Doe of Rylstone avoids archaisms 85 inclusion in Carey’s Beauties of the Modern Poets 21 meter influenced by Coleridge’s “Christabel” 70 publication xviii as romance 29 “The World is Too Much With Us” “Written in a Blank Leaf of Macpherson’s Ossian” 63 See also Lyrical Ballads worldwide web, effects on language 243 “writerly nation” 16 writers, canon 22 Yearsley, Ann, A Poem on the Inhumanity of the Slave-Trade xiii Yeats, W B 274 “you, ” grammatical use 90 Z (anonymous critic in Blackwood’s Edinburgh Review) 14 Zimmerman, Sarah, on the “social responsiveness” of lyric poems 217 Zwinger, Theodore (Zwingerus) 201, 203