PL 1
Drug discovery in the p53 pathway
D. Lane
Division of Molecular Medicince, College of Life Sciences Medical
Sciences Institute, Edinburgh, UK
Small molecules that activate the transcriptional function of wild
type p53 have proved active as anti-cancer drugs in preclinical
models and are now entering clinical trial. The complexity of the
upstream p53 signaling pathway offers many targets for the devel-
opment of such activators and the action of Mdm2 inhibitors,
kinase inhibitors, sirtuin inhibitors and low doses of actinomycin
D will be described among other examples. The possibility of
using combinations of molecules will also be analyzed as will the
issues of toxicity and resistance expected from these types of mol-
ecules. One concern is that the activation of p53 might exert some
specific harmful affect on normal tissues and another is that treat-
ment with p53 activators will select for tumor cells in the popula-
tion that have mutant p53. What can be done in those cases
where p53 is mutant? One approach is the search for molecules
that re-activate mutant p53 proteins, though some have likened
this to trying to unscramble eggs recent discoveries in protein
dynamic and protein folding pathways have been very exciting.
Recent approaches to developing molecules that will chaperone
mutant p53’s to fold in the active state will be described with ref-
erence to recent crystallographic analysis. A second conceptual
approach to exploiting the frequent loss of p53 function in tumors
is that of synthetic lethality. Might p53 mutant tumors be more
susceptible to inhibitors of DNA repair as has been seen for
BRCA1 mutant tumors for example? Finally the concept of using
p53 activating molecules as chemo-protectives has been proposed.
In this concept normal cells are arrested temporarily in GI by p53
activators such as the Mdm2 inhibitor Nutlin. These cells are thus
protected from cytotoxic drugs active at G2/M such as taxol.
Cells that lack p53 and are not therefore arrested by Nutlin would
retain their sensitivity. In this model then the therapeutic index of
such cytotoxic drugs for p53 mutant tumors would be enhanced
by protection of normal tissues.
Klein C and Vassilev LT. B J Cancer 2004; 91:1415
Dey A, Verma CS and Lane DP. B J Cancer 2008; 98:4
PL 2
Genomes, structural biology and drug
discovery: challenges for academia and
T. Blundell
Biochemistry, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK
Over the past two decades funding for research and development
in drug discovery in the pharmaceutical industry has increased
exponentially, but the returns in new drug approvals on the mar-
ket have not been commensurate with this investment. What can
we as cell, molecular and structural biologists do to make the
early stages of drug discovery more effective and efficient? The
knowledge that is now emerging from genomics of man and
pathogens and from targeted structural proteomics programmes
has the potential to accelerate drug discovery. DNA and protein
sequences, in particular non-synonymous single nucleotide poly-
morphisms and somatic mutations, when taken together with
structural and functional information on the gene products, can
provide insights into the relationship of human genetic variation
and disease. This is also helpful in identifying new targets for
drug discovery; it is an exploration of biological space. On the
other hand, high-throughput biophysical and structural analyses
can be used to investigate the chemical molecules that proteins
might bind; this is an exploration of chemical space. I will argue
that this is best achieved by fragment-screening techniques, which
inform not only lead discovery but also optimization of candi-
date drug molecules. I will describe such developments not only
in industry for diseases that are major challenges in the West but
also in academia for diseases of poverty, rare diseases and diffi-
cult targets. A long-term objective must be to define the chemical
space around all macromolecules in man and in pathogens, so as
not only to facilitate lead discovery but also to identify potential
off-target interactions and minimise side effects.
PL 3
How myosin motors work: a fun journey from
structure to function
A. Houdusse
Section de recherche, Institut Curie, Paris cedex 05, FRANCE
Directed movement is essential for life. To decipher the mecha-
nisms that allow a cell to migrate, to divide and organise the
intra-cellular traffic between various cellular compartments, stud-
ies of the molecular motors involved in these functions is critical.
Every cell in our bodies contains about 100 different proteins
that act like molecular motors in carrying out various forms of
movement. To understand how a molecular motor functions, sev-
eral sophisticated approaches have all made their contribution.
In particular, one family of motors, the actin-based myosin
motor is now one of the best-understood enzyme thanks to the
insights from molecular genetics, biochemical, biophysical and
structural studies, including single molecule physical approaches
to measure force and step size. Myosins are critical for many of
these movements – from muscle contraction to cytokinesis, intra-
cellular traffic and sophisticated cellular functions such as hear-
ing. Deficit in these motors can lead to a number of human
genetic disorders. Force is produced by these molecular motors
by converting chemical energy derived from ATP hydrolysis into
mechanical energy via the interaction with their track, the actin
filament. A number of approaches have provided detailed
insights into the mechanism of chemomechanical coupling in the
actomyosin system. They show how small conformational
changes in the motor domain are coupled by a lever-arm mecha-
nism to a working stroke of several nanometers. Structural stud-
ies coupled with functional studies is a very powerful technique
to identify at atomic resolution a number of communication
pathways that are involved at different steps of the ATPase cycle
to couple the nucleotide-binding pocket with the actin interface
and the lever arm movement. A reverse motor, myosin VI has
Plenary Lectures Abstracts
FEBS Journal 276 (Suppl. 1) 1–3 (2009) ª 2009 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2009 Federation of European Biochemical Societies 1
been particularly intriguing and informative because of its atypi-
cal motility properties. The current questions regarding the
details of force production and the current challenges to under-
stand how these motors are regulated, recruited and how the spe-
cific cellular functions of several motors are coordinated to
accomplish a particular function in the cell will also be reviewed.
PL 4
Membrane rafts: important (yet controversial)
components of receptor signaling
V. Horejsi
Institute of Molecular Genetics AS CR, Prague 4, CZECH
Membrane rafts (microdomains enriched in glycosphingolipids,
cholesterol, glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins, Src-
family kinases and G-proteins, markedly resistant to solubiliza-
tion in certain detergents) appear to play important roles in early
phases of immunoreceptor signaling, but also in regulation of a
number of other receptors. Most transmembrane proteins are
excluded from these specialized areas of membranes, notable
exceptions being several palmitoylated proteins such as the T-
lymphocyte co-receptors CD4 and CD8, and several recently
described transmembrane adaptor proteins (TRAPs) such as
LAT, NTAL/LAB, PAG/Cbp and LIME. All these molecules
possess a short N-terminal extracellular peptide, transmembrane
segment followed by a palmitoylation motif (CxxC) and cytoplas-
mic domain containing tyrosine motifs potentially phosphory-
lated by the Src- or Syk-family kinases. Tyrosine-phosphorylated
transmembrane adaptors bind other signaling molecules (several
cytoplasmic adaptors and enzymes) and thus organize ‘signalo-
somes’. The very existence of lipid rafts in vivo has been repeat-
edly questioned, as they are difficult to visualize by current
microscopic techniques and most information on them comes
from biochemical studies in detergent lysates. Little is known
about properties of these controversial membrane complexes in
vivo, their possible heterogeneity and its relation to their signaling
functions. Recent studies from our and other laboratories have
identified a new type of non-conventional ‘heavy rafts’ that are
able to support at least partially T-cell receptor signaling. These
‘heavy rafts’ are apparently distinguished from the the ‘classical
rafts’ by higher protein/lipid ratio and are, similarly to the ‘classi-
cal rafts’, resistant to mild detergents (Brij-98, -58), sensitive to
other mild detergents (laurylmaltoside, octylglucoside) and con-
tain a number of functionally important transmembrane proteins.
The novel type of membrane rafts can also support, albeit less
effectively, immunoreceptor signaling.
PL 5
Molecular machines driving plant growth
D. Inze, N. Gonzalez and G. De Jaeger
UGent-VIB Research, Department of Plant Systems Biology, Gent,
Understanding the mechanisms that control tissue, organ and
organism size are amongst the most mysterious and fascinating
open questions in biology. A key concept in ‘size biology’ is that
both, in animals and plants, size itself is regulated. Our long term
goal is to unravel the molecular pathways that govern leaf size in
Arabidopsis. Our approach is based on studying the action mech-
anisms of genes which, when mutated or overexpressed, enlarges
leaf size [hereafter called ‘intrinsic yield genes’ (IYG)] (Gonzalez
et al., 2009). Currently, we have confirmed the positive effect of
13 IYGs on Arabidopsis leaf size. In all cases examined so far
enlarged leaf size results from an increased cell number without
affecting significantly cell size, pinpointing to a central role of cell
proliferation in size control. To understand how the cell cycle is
linked to size, tandem affinity purification of > 100 proteins
involved in cell cycle as well as size control (IYGs) were carried
out. Transcript and metabolome profiling has been undertaken
on various IYG lines. Detailed computational as well as func-
tional analysis has shed new light on how organ size is governed
in plants.
Gonzalez N, Beemster GTS and Inze
D (2009). David and Goli-
ath: What can the tiny weed Arabidopsis teach us to improve
biomass production in crops? Curr. Opin. Plant Biol. In press
PL 6
The molecular basis of cytokine receptor
signalling – theme and variations
W. Sebald
Theodor-Boveri-Institut fu
r Biowissenschaften, Biozentrum,
Wuerzburg, GERMANY
Cytokine receptors are crucial for the maintenance, regulation
and growth of cells in multicellular organisms. As a common
theme in cytokine signalling single-span receptor chains are
assembled in the cell membrane by a ligand enabling cross-activa-
tion of the aligned cytoplasmic receptor domains. Nature has cre-
ated many variations of how this general principle is realized in a
cell. This lecture will focus on cytokines of the 4-helix bundle (In-
terleukins) and cystine-knot (TGF-b/BMP) families. Receptor
chains upon activation can form duos, trios, quartets, and even
larger assemblies. Homo- and heteromeric complexes exist.
Chains function as triggers (initiating the cytosolic signal), drivers
(transactivating other chains), or affinity regulators (increasing
the potency of the ligand). Common chains are used by several
cytokine families. The structure of the extracellular ligand-bind-
ing domain (ECD) of a number of these receptor complexes have
now been elucidated providing the molecular basis for under-
standing the functional relevance of this mechanistic diversity in
a cellular context. Biochemical and structural data have revealed
ligand recognition mechanisms. Contact sites are usually large
and rather flat. A limited number of contact residues provide
most part of the binding free energy (hot spots). Leaks in hydro-
phobic seals appear to provide a mechanism for adjusting the
affinity of a hot-spot interaction (scalability). Promiscuous inter-
action with common chains under retention of specificity is typi-
cally associated with hydrophobic interfaces containing multiple
water molecules. In particular BMP ligands are promiscuous and
interact not only with receptors but also with a multitude of
modulator proteins which inhibit or enhance BMP signalling.
Receptor complexes often comprise high- and low-affinity chains.
Low affinity interactions are likely reinforced by co-localization
of the binding partners in the membrane. Cytokine receptor sys-
tems offer promising targets for drug development. Information
on structure and activation mechanism provides leads for devel-
oping biologicals, as (1) engineered cytokines, (2) cytokine
mutants acting as receptor antagonists, (3) receptor ECD-Fc
fusion proteins and (4) mAbs acting as ligand traps and inhibi-
tors of cytokine signalling. Possible indications exist in the areas
of haematology, immunology, inflammation, cancer, and tissue
Abstracts Plenary Lectures
2 FEBS Journal 276 (Suppl. 1) 1–3 (2009) ª 2009 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2009 Federation of European Biochemical Societies
PL 7
Translational control via mRNA 3’–5’
interactions: from development to miRNA
N. Sonenberg
Department of Biochemistry, McGill University, Montreal,
Translational control, which is mediated by mRNA 3’–5’ interac-
tions, is widespread. The eukaryotic mRNA 3’ poly (A) tail acts
synergistically with the 5’ cap structure to enhance translation.
This effect is mediated by a bridging complex, composed of the
poly (A) binding protein (PABP), eIF4G, and the cap-binding
protein, eIF4E, which brings about mRNA circularization. The
bridging between the mRNA 3’ and 5’ ends is controlled by sev-
eral proteins that bind to either eIF4E or PABP and regulate
translation initiation. Translation initiation is also controlled by
proteins, which bind simultaneously to eIF4E and the 3’ UTR of
the mRNA. These proteins function, for example, during devel-
opment by inhibiting translation of specific mRNAs in a tempo-
ral and spatial manner. The Drosophila Bicoid protein inhibits
translation of caudal mRNA in the anterior of the embryo, by
interacting simultaneously with the caudal 3’ UTR and an eIF4E
cognate protein, 4EHP. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) comprise a large
family of small ~21-nucleotide-long non-coding RNAs that have
emerged as key post-transcriptional regulators of gene expression
in metazoans and plants. In mammals, miRNAs are predicted to
control the activity of ~50% of all protein-coding genes and have
been shown to participate in the regulation of almost every cellu-
lar process investigated to date. The post-transcriptional control
of gene expression by miRNAs is mediated by RISC (RNA-
induced silencing complex), which binds mostly to the mRNA 3’
UTR. We have developed a mammalian cell-free extract from
mouse Krebs-2 ascites cells that recapitulates the miRNA
response in cells. Using this system, we demonstrated that endog-
enous let-7 miRNA rapidly inhibits cap-dependent translation
initiation of miRNA-targeted mRNA reporters. Addition of the
cap-binding protein complex, eIF4F, alleviated translational
repression, suggesting that miRNAs function at least in part by
antagonizing the cap recognition process. miRNAs also direct
deadenylation of miRNA-targeted mRNAs through the activity
of RISC. The deadenylation occurs after the initial inhibition of
translation initiation. Thus, miRNAs inhibit translation by
affecting the mRNA 3’ and 5’ ends.
PL 8
The Janus-faced atracotoxins are specific
blockers of invertebrate K
S. J. Gunning
, F. Maggio
, M. J. Windley
, S. M. Valenzuela
G. F. King
and G. M. Nicholson
Neurotoxin Research Group, Department of Medical Molecular
Biosciences, University of Technology, Sydney, AUSTRALIA,
Department of Molecular, Microbial Structural Biology, Univer-
sity of Connecticut School of Medicine, Farmington, CT, USA,
Division of Chemical and Structural Biology, Institute for Molecu-
lar Bioscience, University of Queensland, Brisbane, AUSTRALIA
The j-atracotoxins (j-ACTXs: formerly Janus-faced atracotox-
ins) are a unique family of excitatory peptide toxins that contain
a rare vicinal disulfide bridge. Although lethal to a wide range of
invertebrates, their molecular target has remained enigmatic for
almost a decade. We demonstrate here that these toxins are selec-
tive, high-affinity blockers of invertebrate Ca
-activated K
) channels. j-ACTX-Hv1c, the prototypic member of this
toxin family, selectively blocked K
channels in cockroach
unpaired dorsal median neurons with an IC
of 2 nM, but it did
not significantly affect a wide range of other voltage-activated
or Na
channel subtypes. j-ACTX-Hv1c blocked heterolo-
gously expressed cockroach large-conductance Ca
(pSlo) channels without a significant shift in the voltage
dependence of activation. However, the block was voltage-depen-
dent, indicating that the toxin probably acts as a pore blocker
rather than a gating modifier. The molecular basis of the insect
selectivity of j-ACTX-Hv1c was established by its failure to sig-
nificantly inhibit mouse mSlo channels (IC
>10lM) and its
lack of activity on rat dorsal root ganglion neuron K
currents. This study establishes the j-atracotoxins as valuable
tools for the study of invertebrate K
channels and suggests that
channels might be potential insecticide targets.
PL 9
Chaperone-signal peptide interactions on the
Tat protein transport pathway
S. J. Coulthurst and F. Sargent
Division of Molecular Microbiology, College of Life Sciences,
University of Dundee, Dundee, Scotland, UK
The twin-arginine transport (Tat) pathway is a protein targeting
system dedicated to the transmembrane translocation of fully
folded proteins. This system is highly prevalent in the cytoplas-
mic membranes of bacteria and archaea, and is also found in the
thylakoid membranes of plant chloroplasts. Proteins are targeted
to a membrane-embedded Tat translocase by specialised N-term-
inal twin-arginine signal peptides bearing the distinctive
SRRxFLK ‘twin-arginine’ amino acid motif. The Escherichia coli
system is one of the best characterised and here the Tat translo-
case contains a ‘signal recognition’ module, comprising the
TatBC proteins, and a ‘transport channel module’ comprising
multiple copies of TatA. These two modules work together by a
largely unknown mechanism to couple the proton motiveforce
directly to protein transport. Escherichia coli produces 27 Tat-tar-
geted proteins and the majority of these are cofactor-containing
enzymes that must acquire their prosthetic groups, and some-
times associate with partner subunits, in the cytoplasm before
export. The processes that govern cofactor-loading and protein
folding, and co-ordinate these events with protein export, are
beginning to be unearthed. One of the best-studied E. coli Tat
substrates is the trimethylamine N-oxide reductase (TorA), which
is a molybdopterin-containing enzyme. Assembly and export of
TorA is regulated by TorD, which performs a quality control
task known as ‘Tat proofreading’ in order to prevent premature
targeting of TorA until all biosynthetic processes are complete.
Tat proofreading involves the direct physical interaction between
TorD and the TorA signal peptide. The molecular basis of the
signal peptide recognition and release mechanism is currently
under investigation.
Plenary Lectures Abstracts
FEBS Journal 276 (Suppl. 1) 1–3 (2009) ª 2009 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2009 Federation of European Biochemical Societies 3
PL 1
Drug discovery in the p53 pathway
D. Lane
Division. actin interface
and the lever arm movement. A reverse motor, myosin VI has
Plenary Lectures Abstracts
FEBS Journal 276 (Suppl. 1) 1–3 (2009) ª 2009 The Authors