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6.3 University Program Approval_Portland State University

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FULL COMMISSION May 14, 2015 Docket Item: University Program Approval: Portland State University (PSU), Professional Science Master (PSM) degree in Environmental Science and Management Summary: PSU proposes a new program leading to a Professional Science Master (PSM) degree in Environmental Science and Management Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC) staff completed a review of the proposed program After analysis, HECC staff recommends approval of the program as proposed Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends the adoption of the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the Higher Education Coordinating Commission approve the following program: PSM degree in Environmental Science and Management at PSU Portland State University seeks the Oregon Higher Education Coordinating Commission’s approval to offer an instructional program leading to a Professional Science Master (PSM) degree in Environmental Science and Management Describe the purpose and relationship of the proposed program to the institution’s mission and strategic plan “The mission of Portland State University (PSU) is to enhance the intellectual, social, cultural and economic qualities of urban life by providing access throughout the life span to a quality liberal education for undergraduates and an appropriate array of professional and graduate programs especially relevant to metropolitan areas The University conducts research and community service that support a high quality educational environment and reflect issues important to the region It actively promotes the development of a network of educational institutions to serve the community.” …providing access to graduate programs especially relevant to metropolitan areas – The proposed PSM program, combined with existing Environmental Science and Management (ESM) graduate degrees, enhances PSU’s ability to provide access to high quality graduate programs that are especially relevant to metropolitan areas Students receiving the proposed PSM degree will have in depth knowledge of environmental science and management, background in business and professional practices and experience working with a community partner on a real-world issue This graduate training is particularly germane to urban areas, where most of the community partners are located …community service that supports a high quality educational environment and reflects issues important to the region – Portland and Oregon have established national and international reputations for innovative public and private initiatives to pursue a sustainable, livable environment In the Portland metropolitan area, the land use management system and the creation of the Office of Sustainable Development exemplify public efforts in this pursuit Many surrounding communities also are seeking sustainable development strategies to cope with growth pressures and the associated environmental and social problems This proposed program provides opportunities for students to complete projects with community entities that are instrumental in working to solve these regionally important issues …serve the community – As stated above, the PSM program requires the student to work with a community entity on an issue that serves the community PSU’s vision is to be known for excellence in student learning, innovative research, and community engagement that contributes to economic vitality, environmental sustainability, and the quality of life in the Portland region and beyond The proposed PSM program is directly responsive to that vision in providing a rigorous graduate program that combines in-depth knowledge of environmental science and management, knowledge and skill in business and professional practices and an opportunity to serve the community by working with a community partner Clearly, one of PSU’s signature focus areas is environmental sustainability The PSM program has at its foundation courses in environmental science and management that address sustainability What evidence of need does the institution have for the program? Evidence of need of the proposed program comes in part from the success of the current graduate program There is current demand for the existing Masters of Environmental Management (MEM) and MS programs of approximately 70 students per year We accommodate an average of 25 students per year (15 MEM students and 10 MS students) This number is limited by faculty capacity Evidence of market demand also exists from the rapid growth of enrollment in the undergraduate Environmental Science and Environmental Studies programs at PSU The undergraduate enrollment of the ESM department grew from approximately 150 students in 2005 to over 450 students in 2013 In addition, in 2008, the OUS Chancellor's Office conducted a survey seeking information about the need for PSM programs from undergraduates majoring in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) and alumni holding STEM degrees Over 500 undergraduate and 290 alumni responded to the survey Of those respondents who plan to go to graduate school, 73% of enrolled students and 67% of alumni said they would be likely or very likely to enroll in a master’s program that had a combination of science course work, a few business and communication courses, and an internship Nationally, the demand for PSM programs grew as evidenced by the number of PSMs that increased from 208 in 2010 to 279 in 2012 The number of students applying for admittance grew by 41% from 2010 (4,396 applications) to 2012 (6,181 applications) Source: Enrollment and Degrees in PSM Program 2012, Council of Graduate Schools Are there similar programs in the state? If so, how does the proposed program supplement, complement, or collaborate with those programs? Oregon State University (OSU) has a PSM program and one of the degree options in the program is Environmental Sciences The OSU program in Environmental Sciences requires 10 credits in “Core Courses,” which are general courses in environmental perspectives and methods, environmental analysis, and an environmental workshop The degree also requires: 16 credits of concentration courses selected from one of eight areas of concentration; a 4-credit numerical skills course; 18 credits of professional cohort courses, taken with PSM students from all degree options; and credits of internship The areas of concentration in the OSU Environmental Science PSM include: biogeochemistry; ecology; environmental education; quantitative analysis; social science; natural resources; water resources; and sustainable natural resources The total minimum credits for the OSU PSM degree is 54 credits While the PSM program at OSU is similar, the proposed program is emphasizing different concentrations and there is little overlap This program complements the existing MEM degree program of ESM The non-professional practice courses in the PSM curriculum are the courses required for the MEM degree There is considerable interest at PSU, at the university level, to promote the development of PSM degrees The business and professional related courses developed for the Environmental Science and Management PSM degree would be applicable to the other science related PSM degrees being considered at PSU (e.g., Geology) In addition, the core course ESM 551, Project Management for Scientists, may be applicable for students seeking other science related PSM degrees PSM students with environmental engineering emphasis will be advised to collaborate with the PSU Engineering and Technology Management Department (ETM) in terms of courses and projects What new resources will be needed initially and on a recurring basis to implement the program? How will the institution provide these resources? What efficiencies or revenue enhancements are achieved with this program, including consolidation or elimination of programs over time, if any? The PSM program will add to the already successful master’s degree programs in ESM The new degree program will give an option to prospective students to gain expertise in business and professional practices that they will use in their future employment In addition, the internships associated with the program will expand the University’s connections with the private and public employment sector Graduates of the PSM program will have a background in project management, business communications, environmental regulations, and an internship experience in an applicable field It is believed from the survey of employers (2008, Oregon Employment Department done for OUS) that these attributes will make the graduates of the PSM program more employable and more valuable The program’s focus is in line with the University’s mission and will make all parties more competitive Building on the successful ESM graduate program, the PSM program will be a good investment for PSU The costs of the program will be offset by the increase in tuition revenue and the differential tuition fee All appropriate University committees, the PSU Board of Trustees, and the Statewide Provosts Council have positively reviewed the proposed program Recommendation to the Commission The Statewide Provosts Council recommends that the Oregon Higher Education Coordinating Commission authorize Portland State University to establish an instructional program leading to a Professional Science Master (PSM) degree in Environmental Science and Management, effective Fall 2015 Institution and Program: Portland State University – Professional Science Master in Environmental Science and Management Action: At the April 2, 2015 meeting, the Statewide Provosts Council approved a new program, Professional Science Master in Environmental Science and Management, to move forward to the Oregon Higher Education Coordinating Commission for its review/approval All eight university provosts approved the program The Portland State University Board of Trustees approved this program at their February 13, 2015 meeting Eastern Oregon University Sarah Witte, interim provost X Approved _ Opposed Abstained Oregon Health & Science University Jenny Mladenovic, provost X Approved Opposed Abstained Oregon State University Sabah Randhawa, provost X Approved Opposed Abstained Oregon Tech Brad Burda, provost X Approved Opposed Abstained Portland State University Sona Andrews, provost X Approved _ Opposed Abstained Southern Oregon University Susan Walsh, interim provost X Approved Opposed Abstained University of Oregon Frances Bronet, acting provost X Approved Opposed Abstained Western Oregon University Steve Scheck, provost X Approved Opposed Abstained ... PSM Program 2012, Council of Graduate Schools Are there similar programs in the state? If so, how does the proposed program supplement, complement, or collaborate with those programs? Oregon State. .. review/approval All eight university provosts approved the program The Portland State University Board of Trustees approved this program at their February 13, 2015 meeting Eastern Oregon University Sarah... While the PSM program at OSU is similar, the proposed program is emphasizing different concentrations and there is little overlap This program complements the existing MEM degree program of ESM

Ngày đăng: 25/10/2022, 10:14

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