personal communication, January 15, 2018) Such sadhus’ expressions made up the following four subthemes that I describe below Subtheme 6.1: Happiness is Pure Consciousness Beyond Mind “Self, as the knower of all known …” — Swamini Brahmananda (personal communication, February 7, 2018) Subtheme 6.1 answered the first research question—What is the meaning of happiness from the perspective of sadhus? Subtheme 6.1 also inherits the properties of Theme 6—Animate nature of happiness Fourteen out of 20 sadhus spoke about the conscious nature of happiness The sadhus mentioned that happiness is consciousness and beyond human mind, thoughts, and emotions The sadhus meant that the human mind is unconscious, but not happiness See Table 12 for a summary of Subtheme 6.1 Table 12 Subtheme 6.1 Summary Happiness is Pure Consciousness Beyond Mind Research Question 1: What is the meaning of happiness from the perspective of sadhus? Parent Theme 6: Animate nature of happiness Theme Number of Participants Number of References N=20 Happiness is pure 14 (70%) 188 consciousness beyond mind Quote: Self, as the knower of all known — Swamini Brahmananda (personal communication, February 7, 2018) Definition The sadhus described that happiness has an animate nature because happiness is consciousness and beyond mind Happiness is conscious of (or consciousness) all three states of being—the wakeful state, dream state, and deep sleep state 130