women to perform a special work for the blessing of His people Such was the sovereignly determined lot of Queen Esther, who was in a position to appeal to the king to spare the Jews from the planned pogrom Her foster father, Mordecai, saw the hand of God in this when he exclaimed to her, “Who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this?” (4:14) Study 4:1—7:10, using the outlines of Chart 63 The deliverance of the Jews is the story of chapters and This is followed by the account of Mordecai’s exaltation (chap 10) Use the following outlines when you study these chapters: XV KEY WORDS AND VERSES OF ESTHER Note the key words and key verse shown o n Chart 64 Look for others as you study the book XVI APPLICATIONS OF ESTHER What is divine Providence? What does the book of Esther teach concerning this? What is God’s interest in the Jews today, and what is the reason for it? Derive a few spiritual lessons from the key verse, 4:146 4 God’s sovereignty includes the good things He e ciently wills, and the evil things He permits Show examples of these from the book of Esther How does the doctrine of divine sovereignty relate to Christian living? When, if ever, is it not evil to refuse to obey civil law? Does Acts 5:29 relate to this question? XVII FURTHER STUDY IN EZRA-NEHEMIAH-ESTHER Make biographical studies of the main persons of these books, including Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Zerubbabel, Ahasuerus, Mordecai, Haman In a Bible dictionary, read brief descriptions of the ministries of the prophets during these years (See Chart 57 for their names.) Study more about the Temple rebuilding project Study what the New Testament teaches about the Jews’ destinies in end times (e.g., Rom 11) As noted earlier, the name of God does not appear in the book of Esther Also, there ... from the key verse, 4:146 4 God’s sovereignty includes the good things He e ciently wills, and the evil things He permits Show examples of these from the book of Esther How does the doctrine of. .. descriptions of the ministries of the prophets during these years (See Chart 57 for their names.) Study more about the Temple rebuilding project Study what the New Testament teaches about the Jews’... as you study the book XVI APPLICATIONS OF ESTHER What is divine Providence? What does the book of Esther teach concerning this? What is God’s interest in the Jews today, and what is the reason