Index DTI-circuit, 179 P - c k u i t , 397 Q-faclor 254 s-plane, 48: 325, 388 ;-plane, 319, 325, 388 ,"-transform, 315, 316, 318, 322 convolution theorem: 353 firiite seqiience 330 infinit,c sequence 330 iriverse, 328 of an exporieritial sequence, 317 shift theorem 344 theorems, 326 F t,ransform convolution property, 308 modulation property, 308 nmltiplicat,ioii theoreill, YO9 shift properly, 308 ACF, see auto-correlation function, 410 ADC, bee analog-t,o-digital c:onvert,er, 261 aliasing, 272 time-doniaiii, 286 analog-to-digital converter 26 I analysis c:omplcs, 87 spectral, 19 angula,r frequency, 298 angular sampling frequency 325 npert,urc correction filtcr, 282 funclion, 28 I rectangular, 281 auto-correlation, 228, 424 sequences, 331 auto-correlation f i r d o n , 410, 317, 443 aiit,o-c:o\l;2riancel420, 425 average across t,he process, 405 along the process, 405 linear, 407, 442 quadratic! 407 stat,istic:a,l,405 time, 405 band-limit ed signal, 271 bald-pass rignals complex 275 rcal 276 bandwid t 21, 231 bascband 271 basrhwid rpcctrimi, 271 basis funclioiis, 269 BIB0-stability, 383 biliriear t r arisform, 392 block diagram, 19, 336 Bode tliagrwm 241, 3 cwiionical form, 21 Cauch,v iritrgral 92 caural, 112 causality, 367 chnracteiistic seqwnrc, 31b coriip1ex