1:1 The omissions have been explained in various ways (Consult commentaries.) 14 Ewald, quoted by James Robertson, “Hosea,” in The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, 3:1425 15 Some think that Hosea moved to Judah at the time of the conquest 16 Gleason L Archer, A Survey of Old Testament Introduction, p 310 17 E Heavenor, “Hosea,” in The New Bible Dictionary, p 539 18 W Graham Scroggie, Know Your Bible, 1:166 19 Robertson, 3:1426 27 The Minor Prophets of Judah (Obadiah, Joel, Micah, Nahum, Zephaniah, Habakkuk) Six of the twelve minor prophets ministered to the Southern Kingdom of Judah prior to the Babylonian Captivity (see Chart 96) The chronological order in which the prophets ministered is the order followed in the six surveys of this chapter Chart 104 shows which kings were reigning over Judah during the times of those prophets.1 The shaded areas indicate the evil reigns; the unshaded areas, the righteous reigns What seems to have brought on the appearance of prophets: good, or evil reigns? Or is such a pattern not clear? Also keep in mind the larger setting of Old Testament history, as represented on Chart When you begin to study each book, refer t o Chart 104 to help you visualize the setting History always involves places, and since the books of the minor prophets have a historical setting, we may expect to see geographical references in the books Map Y shows the geography of the minor prophets of Judah Try to x these places in your mind before you begin to survey the Bible text OBADIAH: A ROCK THAT FAILS AND A KINGDOM THAT ENDURES Some of God’s prophets were commissioned to preach to foreign nations closely involved with Judah’s history Obadiah was His messenger to Edom, hostile kingdom southeast of Judah (see Map Y) The Gentile Edomites felt militarily secure in the fortresses of their steep mountains, and wanted nothing to with Israel’s God If any city of Edom was a symbol of arrogant self-con dence, it was Petra (Heb., ... since the books of the minor prophets have a historical setting, we may expect to see geographical references in the books Map Y shows the geography of the minor prophets of Judah Try to x these... 96) The chronological order in which the prophets ministered is the order followed in the six surveys of this chapter Chart 104 shows which kings were reigning over Judah during the times of those...27 The Minor Prophets of Judah (Obadiah, Joel, Micah, Nahum, Zephaniah, Habakkuk) Six of the twelve minor prophets ministered to the Southern Kingdom of Judah prior to the Babylonian