have you observed in your study of the book? Think back over the chapters and list at least ten spiritual lessons on service for God taught by Nehemiah Follow this pattern of analogy as you apply various parts of the Nehemiah story: BOOK OF NEHEMIAH ILLUSTRATIVE OF the believing Jews Christians broken-down aspects of the Christian life in need of restoration (e.g., prayer, walls worship, service) rebuilding the walls revival and restoration The subject of revival is often discussed by Christians, but less often experienced Revival is the renewal of the believer’s intimate relationship with God The price of revival is high, but the way is simple These three chapters present that way, in the correct order: chapter 8: the work of God’s Word (exposure to, and understanding of the Word) chapter 9: the experience of genuine prayer (confession of sin, and worship of God) chapter 10: decision and action (in the spirit of sacrifice) Re ect on these truths, especially as they apply to Christian living XII BACKGROUND OF ESTHER Now we return to a time earlier than Nehemiah, for Esther’s setting is dated between chapters and of Ezra.18 The Old Testament history of Israel closes with the last chapter of Nehemiah (c 425 B.C.) Were it not for the events of the book of Esther, however, there may not have been a story for Nehemiah to record Esther was included in the biblical account to show how God’s chosen people were spared extermination during their exilic years It is a story that should inspire Christians today to an increased trust in God, who sovereignly controls world history and preserves His own children A TITLE The title “Esther” is assigned to this book because Esther is the main character Jews call the book Megilloth Esther (“Esther Roll”) because it is one of the ve rolls assigned for reading at Jewish holidays.19 B AUTHORSHIP AND DATE Authorship of the book is unknown The author was probably a Jew living in Persia during the latter half of the fth century B.C., when the action of the book took place Some have suggested Ezra or Nehemiah as possible authors, on the basis of similarity of writing style C PLACE IN THE CANON The book of Esther is listed last in the historical books of the English Bible, and eighth in the “Writings” (Kethubhim) section of the Hebrew Bible Though its canonicity has been challenged by some, it has remained rmly in the canon.20 The Jews have always accepted the book as canonical D THE LADY ESTHER Esther was a Jewish orphan maiden who lived in Shushan, Persia’s principal city She was reared by a cousin, Mordecai, who was an o cial in the king’s palace (2:5-7, KJV) King Xerxes (Ahasuerus)21 chose Esther to be the new queen of Persia afer he had divorced his wife Through Esther’s in uence, Jews living in Persia were spared extermination The name Esther (ester) may have been derived from the Persian word for “star” (sitareh) Esther’s Hebrew name was ... possible authors, on the basis of similarity of writing style C PLACE IN THE CANON The book of Esther is listed last in the historical books of the English Bible, and eighth in the “Writings” (Kethubhim)... BACKGROUND OF ESTHER Now we return to a time earlier than Nehemiah, for Esther’s setting is dated between chapters and of Ezra.18 The Old Testament history of Israel closes with the last chapter of Nehemiah... AUTHORSHIP AND DATE Authorship of the book is unknown The author was probably a Jew living in Persia during the latter half of the fth century B.C., when the action of the book took place Some have