Chicago: Moody, 1974 Pritchard, James B The Ancient Near East in Pictures Princeton: Princeton U., 1969 Pritchard, James B., ed Ancient Near Eastern Texts Princeton: Princeton U., 1955 Purkiser, W T., ed Exploring the Old Testament Kansas City, Mo.: Beacon Hill, 1967 Pusey, E B The Minor Prophets Grand Rapids: Baker, 1956 Ramm, Bernard Protestant Biblical Interpretation Boston: Wilde, 1956 Redpath, Alan Victorious Christian Service New York: Reveil, 1958 Rehwinkel, A M The Flood in the Light of the Bible, Geology and Archaeology St Louis: Concordia, 1951 Reider, Joseph Deuteronomy Philadelphia: Jewish Pubn Soc, 1939 Rhodes, Arnold B The Book of Psalms Richmond: John Knox, 1960 Robinson, George L The Bearing of Archeology in the Old Testament New York: Amer Tract Soc, 1944 _ The Twelve Minor Prophets New York: Doran, 1926 Russell, D S Between the Testaments London: S C M., 1960 Ryle, H E The Book of Genesis Cambridge: Cambridge U., 1914 The Sacred Land Atlas of Bible Geography Philadelphia: Holman, n.d Saggs, H F Everyday Life in Babylonia and Assyria New York: Putnam, 1965 _ The Greatness That Was Babylon New York: Praeger, 1962 Sampey, John R The Heart of the Old Testament Rev ed New York: Doubleday, 1928 _ Syllabus for Old Testament Study New York: Doran, 1922 Sauer, Erich The Dawn of World Redemption Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1953 _ From Eternity to Eternity London: Paternoster, 1954 Schneider, Bernard N Deuteronomy Grand Rapids: Baker, 1970 Schroeder, F W J Deuteronomy Lange’s Commentary on the Holy Scriptures Grand Rapids: Zondervan, n.d Schultz, Samuel J Deuteronomy Everyman’s Bible Commentary Chicago: Moody, 1971 _ Gospel of Moses New York: Harper, 1974 _ The Old Testament Speaks New York: Harper, 1960 _ The Prophets Speak New York: Harper, 1968 Scroggie, W Graham Know Your Bible Vol London: Pickering & Inglis, 1940 _ The Psalms vols London: Pickering & Inglis, 1953 Skinner, J The Book of the Prophet Isaiah The Cambridge Bible Cambridge: Cambridge U., 1951 Smith, Arthur E The Temple and Its ... Soc, 1939 Rhodes, Arnold B The Book of Psalms Richmond: John Knox, 1960 Robinson, George L The Bearing of Archeology in the Old Testament New York: Amer Tract Soc, 1944 _ The Twelve Minor Prophets... Putnam, 1965 _ The Greatness That Was Babylon New York: Praeger, 1962 Sampey, John R The Heart of the Old Testament Rev ed New York: Doubleday, 1928 _ Syllabus for Old Testament Study New... York: Doran, 1926 Russell, D S Between the Testaments London: S C M., 1960 Ryle, H E The Book of Genesis Cambridge: Cambridge U., 1914 The Sacred Land Atlas of Bible Geography Philadelphia: Holman,