Theme Conclusion From the perspective of sadhus, this study found that the nature of happiness is enduring, perpetual, and everlasting If the nature of happiness is everlasting, what causes all the unhappiness in this world? The next theme answers this question Theme 5: Ignorance of Our True Nature Causes All Unhappiness in the World “We are all ignorant about who we are, and knowledge is going to solve that problem.” — Swamini Brahmananda (personal communication, February 7, 2018) Theme answered the first research question—What is the meaning of happiness from the perspective of sadhus? Twelve out of 20 sages explicitly emphasized ignorance about human true nature as the root of all unhappiness in this world See Table 10 for the summary of Theme Table 10 Theme Summary Ignorance of Our True Nature Causes All Unhappiness in the World Research Question 1: What is the meaning of happiness from the perspective of sadhus? Theme Number of Participants Number of References N=20 Ignorance of our true 12 (60%) 117 nature causes all unhappiness in the world Quote: We are all ignorant about who we are, and knowledge is going to solve that problem — Swamini Brahmananda (personal communication, February 7, 2018) Definition The sadhus emphasized that ignorance of our true nature causes all the unhappiness and grief in this world Selfknowledge dispels this inherent ignorance Theme is about the most fundamental reason for all unhappiness in this world from the perspective of sadhus Theme overlaps with Theme 2, which says happiness is 124