8 Corivolutiou i 168 d Irnixilso Resoonsc r we idcntitiecl the function o f 1ilnc1 h ( t ) T- C-l{ K ( s ) ) as anotkier system description arid iriterprrJt(d it as the sy In respoiise to a delta irnpulse, TW now (let i w an equivalr~itrelat ioilship tro (8.1) in tlic tiin~-donrain.To this \e only iieed to iise thc itnpulse respoiise h ( t ) of an LTl-iystcm, ~ selective ~ v pi opcrty of tli" dclta iiripulbe clefinitioix of linearky and timP-invariancc T h e rrsull i b tl-rcn gencrnl arid does riot only apply to t h network considered in ion 8.2 as an iritrotlixt-tioii LVP will strart with uii LTI-syslern with it kiioxvn iinpuisc rcsponw h ( t ) and we warn Lo sllou' )oiisc f r ( t )i s suficiciit to dcscribc the system's retxtioii to any input sign rial and output signal looks in ionship brtwwn the inputs thc t irric-chnain of all U" describc the LTI-systeiir with its reaction t o I/([) = S{.,.(t)} a;*i input signal (8.3s) In particulc+r,the rrac.tioii t o a ctclta i r i i p u i s r is h j t ) - S{6 ( t ) ) 'I'hcn U'('' USE tlie scl hip111 sipill i+h it fiiri (8.35) (8.36)