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Wiley signals and systems e book TLFe BO 133

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Every brarich of thc parallcl fmui in Figwe 2.10 contains a f w t l (lie kiiid iii Figure 6.15 The trimsfer friiiclion of the in(t g r a t ~ r sc integiation tlieorclm { 271, while the trmsfer fuwtion iir the F(wiback p ~ t his a c;ollstallt: F ( s )= Ci(12) = A, = (6.32) s Togethrr with the relatiotrsliip for wries coupling thc transkr fuiictiort of ew.11 path i s (6.33) Example 6.9 I f a sphtem with transfer fiuit I ion k (s) is air ideal arnplifier with ;tmplifiration factor V , 11it.11/ ( s ) = v The transfer fitrrt-t ion o i thr fcrtlback system i s Ilicri (6.34) I f the amplification is very high, then the> a1)proximatioii W ( s )= - _ C(S) (6.35) e s T l i c rulcs discussed in llie last seci ioir for scv ies< pnrcillel ant1 fccdback coupliiig of Liyst ems van alqo be combined a n d u s d to analyse coiiiplicated block circuit cli,igianis We ale still confind, however, to systmis with onl> one input and m e \Vc now ivould like to extend these rides to cober by riis with rtniltiplt~

Ngày đăng: 25/10/2022, 09:45